Rain Fall

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You are better than this. You are strong. You barely knew him. So you had a connection, big deal. Of course he has a girlfriend, all men are the same. So he saved your life, it could have been anyone. Gaga watched the rain fall and let it soothe her soul and the words that filled her mind. She only knew Bradley two days; rehearsals and the horrid award show. She realized that she was stronger than this. Bradley was kind and smart and funny and God was he handsome but she was stronger than this. What she had was misplaced attachment that's all. He is one more thing she will get over. One more thing to leave in the past. "Ms. Germanotta? Stefani?"

Gaga looked away from the the window, pulling down her shades to look up at the Physical Therapist who entered the colorful yet dull Physical Training room. "Darling, unless we're family or between the sheets, it's Gaga" She turned up her nose from her seated position and the therapist nodded understanding but taken aback by the celebrity in her presence.

The therapist shuffled her papers feeling nervous. "Yes-yes of course, I apologize, I had no idea it was you... I thought-"

"The doctors wanted me to do some PT before they discharge me, before I continue recuperating in the privacy of my own home." The therapist nodded understanding. "I appreciate you taking the time to help me, though it will be short lived." The woman perked up, accepting the teeny-tiniest morsel of warmth that Gaga gave her.

"Great! Well, we will work on a few motor movements and stretches and I'll sign things off on my end." Gaga nodded, looking up just as the PT door opened. Her breath caught in her chest watching Bradley wheel himself in. "Oh wonderful, Mr. Cooper-"

"Bradley, please."

"Bradley. I heard you may or may not be join us this morning. I'm so glad you could make it! Gaga if you don't mind we'll work on some things together as a group-"

Before Gaga could object Bradley trapped her with a big, dimpled smile. "Hey, I remember you. You stayed with my mom when I was about to kick the bucket."

"That's not funny." Gaga avoided his eyes.

"No... No, it's not. My mom doesn't think so either." He clears his throat seeing the therapist pull some items from the wall. She pulls the sunglasses off hoping communicate her unease with the therapist who was taking too long to get settled. "I, uh, can't thank you enough. She really needed someone to be there with her." Bradley looked back at the therapist when Gaga refused to look up at him. "Ok, then...Well, I'm ready when you are."

"Great! Two celebrities in one appointment. What a day!"

Bradley took a deeper look at Gaga. "Do I know you?" Gaga's heart beat faster than it already was. "Have we met before?" Her hopeful eyes finally met his curious blue orbs. "Yes... I've got it, I saw you perform at a charity event...was it Sean Parker's event for Cancer?... Gaga! Lady Gaga, right? Wow, how could I miss it! Sorry if this makes me seem like I'm insane but I became a fan after that night. Amazing show. Well, again, nice to meet you... again."

Gaga bit her lip and seared at the therapist. "Can we get on with this sometime today?"

"Yes, sorry!" 

While the therapist collects exercise tools around the room, Bradley couldn't keep his eyes off the blonde. Though she was small, her presence was huge. His eyes scanned her fresh face and natural beauty. She seemed so sad, but so beautiful under all that sorrow. He was just happy to be alive and couldn't help but lean in and joke. "So, what are you in for?"

"Will you leave me alone?!" Bradley jumped back, burned by her fury. He swallowed and mumbling an apology. Gaga shook her head, centering herself, listening to the rain. "No, please, I'm sorry. We've both gone through a lot. I just want to do this and leave."

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