Waiting pt. 2

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"Dear God, protect my sister. Please, help her heal. And please, strike down the fucking piece of shit, awful people who did this. Dear God, protect my sister, please help her-"

"-I don't think that's how praying works." 

Natali slowly looks up from their intertwined hands to see the blonde open one eye and peak at her sister. Natali burst into tears and lightly folded into Gaga's neck. Gaga's eyes filled with tears as she  simply accepted her sisters hug. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've just been shot." Gaga flinches one top of the hospital bed. She tries to move but winces in pain.

"Don't. I'll go get the doctor." 

Once Gaga was reviewed by the doctor, she was told to get some rest. After the Doctor left, she finally was able to ask Natali what was running through her mind since waking from surgery. "Bradley?" Her voice remained raspy and irritated.

"Last I heard he was still in surgery. His surgery was longer than yours." Gaga's eyes filled again with tears. "That's a good thing. He's fighting, Stefi."

"He saved my life, Nat. Or he tried to." Gaga broke down crying as Natali tried to comfort her as much as she could. The whole situation was traumatizing and her feelings and safety felt violated. She didn't know how to console her sister, she had gone through so much.

"I met his mom." 

Gaga sniffed a few times, regaining control of her sobs. She smiled. "What's she like?"

"She's so cute. She's tiny like you. She's worried." Natali dimmed the light. "Mom and Dad are on their way. Why don't you rest? The sooner you rest, the quicker you'll recuperate." Natali knew there was nothing she could say to help her sister. "I can go ask for an update on him." 

Gaga eagerly nodded and started to close her eyes. She woke to voices a few hours later. "Mom?"

Cynthia tried her best to hold back her tears, as she quickly got up to hold Gaga. The family held on to every word Gaga said as she went in and out of sleep throughout the night and into the next morning. Gaga held her head up and gave her entire account to the officers who came to take her statement last the next day. When her parents went to get coffee, Natali seriously asked Gaga, "The officers left out some crucial questions." Gaga looked at Natali for clarification on what she meant. "What did you and Bradley get into while you were backstage." Gaga couldn't avoid the blush that crept into there face. "I knew it." Natali carefully made her way into her bed. "Spill it. What happened!?" 

"Nothing!" Gaga smiled at her sister. "We kissed." Natali screamed into a pillow. "Oh my God Natali, we are in a hospital!" 

"Hollywoods finest were being held up and you and Bradley were just making out? Let me scream." Natali screamed again until Gaga weakly hit her sister, slightly wincing in pain.

"We weren't making out! I was having a panic attack and I don't know he just kissed me. Someone entered the room we were in, we were so close to being caught. I really thought something awful was going to happen and the kiss... that made me feel something." Gaga remembered how scared she was and Natali stopped joking around and held her sister close. "Anyways, he kissed me and, Natali, it was perfect. A calm washed over me. I knew I was safe in his arms. In that small amount of time I got to know him a little and I don't know there just was a connection."

"But how was the kiss?" Natali teased.

"It was amazing."

"What was amazing?" Cynthia and Joe asked walking into the room. Gaga and Natali suspiciously look at each other. "I'm too tired to try and pry whatever nonsense you two are hiding. Your father and I are going to go freshen up and sleep. Is that alright? Will you be ok?" Gaga nodded and said goodbye to her parents. 

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