Part 3- Thank you

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Me, tony and Justin hung out for the rest of the day, we all had a great time honestly. Tony and me ended up forcing Justin to try rock climbing for the first time since he's never done it before, it also gets him out of the house once in while. It was really funny seeing Justin's face when he looked down when we were halfway to the top of the cliff, seemed like he was going to shit himself hah. 

After we finished, we all drove to Monet's in Tony's mustang. Once we arrived we sat down at a table and had a little bit of a coffee break 

Tony began to order "I'll just have a light roast coffee please" 

Followed by Justin "I guess I'll take a strawberry milkshake" 

Then me "I'll take a medium roast coffee please" 

Tony and Justin were having a conversation about summer break, what we would all doing during that time and where we would be. I dont think me and Justin were doing anything with our parents during that time, but Tony mentioned how he would be leaving town for a couple of weeks to visit his family. I tried to stay in the conversation with the both of them, but I constantly kept zoning out. I kept getting lost in my thoughts, thinking of Scott Reed.

it was around 7pm when tony returned me and Justin back to our house.

"yo we gotta do that again sometime guys" Justin mentioned while hoping out of Tony's car.

"I full on agree man" Tony added.

I hoped out of his car after Justin "I agree too. Thanks for the ride tony".

"No problem clay. I'll see you guys tomorrow" Tony drove off down the street while me and Justin began making our way inside our house.

As we walked inside we could smell food coming from the kitchen, I'm assuming my parents made dinner while we were gone, and they did "Hey boys, come sit down and eat" my mom was insisting. We all sat down and began to eat our food.

"Thanks for the food Ms Jensen" Justin mentioned happily.

"Anytime! Just remember you can help yourself to anything you would like if your still hungry".

Me and Justin ran upstairs to our room and collapsed onto our beds "I am officially, full" i breathed out while staring at the ceiling.

"Same, your mom made a pretty filling dinner" Justin chuckled slightly as he spoke.

 I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and began to play fruit ninja, until I was suddenly interrupted by Justin once again

 "Clay, you know Scott right?" 

As soon as Justin said his name, I felt chills run through my spine, in a good way of course, 

"Well,  no shit" I replied "why are you asking right now?" 

"Because I'm wondering, do you like him or something?..."

 I was caught off guard by Justin's question, do i like him? After he fought Monty off to save me I have just been feeling something for him.. something unusual for me.

"uh no? Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, you just blushed hard earlier when me and tony mentioned Scott fought Monty off for you, just had a feeling you might have liked him" 

"That was an accident Justin, I wasn't blushing because of him, I just did it randomly" I said trying to be as convincing as possible. 

"Hmm, alright Jensen" I could hear in his voice, that he knew I wasn't telling the truth "alright, I'll see you tomorrow, we need sleep". 

"K goodnight" I responded. I turned off my lamp and started to doze off. But then a memory snapped me awake. I think I should text Scott and thank him for what he did for me... I grabbed my phone off my night stand and went to text him.


Clay: hey Scott, you awake?

Clay: Scott?

Scott is typing...

Scott: hey clay, what's up?

Clay: hey I hope I didn't wake you or anything

Scott: nah don't worry about it

Clay: ok well, I just wanted to say thank you.. you know for what happened with Monty today

Scott: no problem dude. Glad to help

Scott: why did he even try to beat you up anyways?

Clay: I don't know, Monty was screaming things like "it's your fault" and "I'm going to kill you"

Clay: I don't even know what I did

Scott is typing...

Scott: well, I think I know why he hurt you 

Scott: and it has to do with me

Clay: what? How?

Scott: the day I ran into you in the hallway, before that I told monty I didn't wanna be friends with him or Bryce anymore. I told him how messed up they were and that I'd rather be friends with people like you, once I turned to walk away from him, he seemed pretty pissed off

Clay: wow, I'm surprised you did that

Scott: I know but Bryce and Monty are so messed up and I just had enough of heir bullshit

Clay: same, I guess they kinda both need new brains

Scott: I agree

Scott: Also, sorry it was my fault you got beat up

Clay: no no it's ok, it's not your fault

Scott: thanks I guess

Clay: I guess I gotta start being more careful in the halls from now on lol

Scott: yup, Monty is probably gonna keep going after you now sadly, since I probably triggered him to do so by accident

Scott: which is exactly why I'll be with you most of the time at school now

Clay is typing...

Clay: you don't have to be my bodyguard or anything lol

Scott: but I want to, I'm only repaying you, Monty or anyone won't try to mess with you if I'm there

Clay: well thank you

Clay: Aw sweet, you must care about me a lot 

Scott: Aw sweet, maybe I do lol

Clay is typing...

Clay: thank you once again 

Scott: Anytime Clay

Clay: I'll see you at school tomorrow then? Meet at my locker?

Scott: Yeah I'll meet you there in the morning, goodnight

Clay: Goodnight

I turned off my phone and put it on my night stand, and damn I couldn't help but smile so much, I can't believe Scott actually wants to do that for me. Beginning to feel overjoyed, I feel my face burning up. Do I like Scott? Maybe i do, but, I don't know, I've never liked a boy before, so this is pretty weird for me. I got up to go brush my teeth before I went back to sleep, since I forgot to do that earlier. But once I came back and laid down in my bed I couldn't sleep... 

Because Justin was fucking snoring, Damn him, I should have went to sleep before him, oh well, for next time I guess.

AN: hah poor clay, hopefully he gets his sleep 😂

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