Part 20- Game night (Part 1)

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Hey y'all! I really really apologize for not updating, in almost a MONTH now. I'm super sorry about that, Schools just really been dragging me down and I have been having to focus more on it lately, hopefully you guys will understand! I will try to update the next part as soon as I can, thank you guys so much 😊

Scott's POV

1 hour later

I noticed how angry Clay was at Bryce. I watched the way he starred at him, he looked like he wanted to rip his head off with his own hands. I'm glad that Clay is getting angry at him, rather then feeling afraid of him. I want to make sure that Clay wouldn't have to be in danger anymore, I feel like I'm kind of succeeding since Clay is beginning to become a little more bold. Not that he was never bold, I mean he's standing up to Bryce now is by what I mean, Monty as well.

The bell rang as a teacher walked in the small classroom saying that detention was over, and that we could head home now. All of the jocks flew out of their seats, whooping and clapping knowing they were free from detention for now. I hopped out of my seat and walked towards the door, as I was doing so, a hand flew onto my shoulder. I spun my head around to see Clay Jensen, who began to walk with me as he took his hand off my shoulder,"You still got that game tonight?".

I smiled, "yeah! You coming?".

He instantly responded without any hesitation, "Yup, im going to be watching you with Justin and Tony, If you cant find me at all then you might be able to hear us, we will be cheering your name from the crowd, especially me".

"Aw thanks Man" I said while smiling and blushing heavily. I then threw my arm around him in a playful way, pulling him towards me and began to mess up his hair with my other hand. He laughed and begged me to let him go as he was squirming around in my grasp, "Scott fuck off!".

I finally let Clay go once I completely messed up his hair. A few seconds after I let him go, he quickly ran into the bathroom to check his hair. I quickly followed behind him to see what his reaction would be, I walked into the bathroom to find Clay looking at himself in the mirror, his mouth open and his eyes wide. I burst out laughing while I realized how much his hair was all sticking up.

"Are you fucking kidding me Scott?!" Clay yells at me while trying to flatten out his hair. I chuckled in response, "Nope!" And began laughing once again. Clay turned to me in annoyance, but quickly turned back around and continued to attempt to fix his hair. My laugh began to die down a few seconds later, and I was starting to realize how cute Clay looked with his hair all messed up like that. With that thought, I smirked and walked up behind him as he was looking at himself in the mirror.

"You know, you look pretty cute with your hair like that"

I watched as his face began to glow red as he responded, "uh... not really".

"You may not see it Clay, but in my eyes, you do look cute with your hair like that"

His face was now full bright red. I must say I'm pretty good at making him blush. Finally, he smiled and shyly said "uh thanks... I guess?". I smiled back and walked over right behind him, I then put my hands onto top of his head, and began flattening his hair for him.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you fix your hair" I said while patting down his hair. Clay didn't say anything and let me fix his hair for him. Once I finished, I backed up and let him check himself out in the mirror.

"You know I could have done this myself"

I grinned, "I know"

Clay rolled his eyes and began walking out of the bathroom, but before he could walk out, I lightly pulled him aside and pinned him against the wall. "Where's my thank you?" I say while smirking. His eyes went wide as I pinned him on the wall, i could see a blush beginning to creep up onto his cheeks once again. "Alright, thank you Scott" he says to me, looking straight into my soul.

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