Part 13- Brutal practice

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Scott's POV

Once me and zach arrived into the locker room, we both split our own ways, going to our own lockers. I quickly put my bag into my locker, grabbing my baseball uniform and putting it on before the bell rang. I closed my gym locker, locked it, and began walking outside towards the field, Monty was there with Bryce already, they both stared at me with some death glare like the one I got earlier by Bryce, but who cares. I went to grab my bat and sat down on one of the side benches, waiting for instructions from my coach.

All the other teammates arrived not long after me, with our coach following behind. He gave us a long speech like usual, about what we'd be doing, and the exercises we would be working on to help ourselves improve our skills. Once he finished talking, we all did a couple of running exercises, which were surprisingly pretty difficult compared to the other ones we've done before. 

After all of the warm ups we did, we were all gathered into certain teams to play a small practice game. I was put onto a team with Jeff, Anderson, Monty, and Kenneth, one things for sure is that it was definitely not a great idea to put Monty on a team with me, at this particular time anyway. Once it was my turn to bat for my team, i walked up, and placed myself into stance. Zach was pitching for his team, he's not to bad honestly, so I had to focus on hitting the ball hard enough to get a home run. 

With my eyes locked on the ball, Zach's eyes locked onto me, he threw the ball with great force towards me. With most of the strength I had, I swung my bat fast and hard, hard enough that when my bat came in contact with the ball, it must have flew many yards across the field, Jeff whooped and clapped as I began to run around the bases as fast as I could. I managed to make it back to home base just in time, before one of the back catchers threw the ball to Zach close to a couple seconds later.

The practice game ended a few minutes later with our team taking the win, we cheered and whooped for each other as we walked back to sit onto the benches waiting for our coach to give us more instructions on what to do next. As I sat down on the benches, Jeff walked over and sat down beside me.

"That was a nice hit you got earlier" he said while giving me a high five 

I smiled "thanks man"

Once practice finished I was sweating half to death, I'm not surprised, it was literally 30 degrees outside today and we were running all over the place. I went back into the locker room and went to have a shower, it was always weird showering with twenty other boys, it's a very cramped space for all of us, I'm pretty used to it though.

I walked out of the shower, went to my locker, dried myself off and started putting on my clothes. As I was doing so, a certain someone decided to stop by to talk to me.

"Hey Scotty" 

I looked over to see Monty standing beside me. 

"What do you want Monty" I said while putting on my shirt. 

"Pulling attitude already? Man, I haven't even began talking to you" Monty laughed while crossing his arms 

"Maybe if you stopped being such an asshole" I grabbed my bag, closed my locker, and started walking away, Monty can go fuck himself for all I care.

"why do you even care about clay so much, he's such a weak piece of shit" 

I stopped walking.

All I did was stand there, in one spot, beginning to let Monty's words provoke me. I was getting frustrated and annoyed, I could feel myself heating up from the anger I felt.

"Fuck you Monty" I whispered to myself

I could then hear his stupid fucking laugh, running throughout my ears, in a bad way. I couldn't move, I was frozen, it felt like I currently had two sides of myself fighting for dominance, one of the sides were telling me to just turn around and insult him, but, the other side was telling me to walk away. I don't know how long I stood there frozen for, but it felt long, each second felt like a century.

I managed to calm myself down as I began to walk away, to avoid the situation, to avoid Monty. 

"Bryce could handle him better then you" 

Boom. I lost it.

I dropped my bag on the floor, spun around and threw my fist into his face so hard he stumbled backwards into the lockers, tripping over his feet many times. None of my sides got dominance over me, I decided to take things further, and into my own hands. I watched as everyone in the locker room fell silent, shocked, flabbergasted, you name it. I've never really been the person who got into fights much, or to start them, so everyone seemed surprised. 

Monty then ran at me and pinned me to the lockers, throwing multiple punches to my rib cage really hard, I yelled out in pain as he did so. I quickly got my strength back, kneed him in the stomach and punched him once more to get him the back off. 

Zach ran over to me and held me as a few others came and held Monty, we both tried to keep the fight going, but the coaches came out and stopped it not that long after, everyone was really shocked at what happened. Zach let go of me as the coaches began to yell at me and Monty, giving us long lectures about fighting, and about staying a team. Which I find absolute bullshit. 

"GET TO DETENTION, BOTH OF YOU NOW!" One of the coaches yelled after finishing their lecture.

Everyone quickly went back to what they were doing before, except for me, who was currently walking to detention. The halls were empty, everyone was either in class, or, who knows where else they could be. Monty hasn't even started walking to detention yet, he's probably debating weather to skip or not, or he could be on his way now. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard loud footsteps coming from behind me.

"Hey man" Zach said as he caught up to me, so that we were walking side by side.

"Hey" I replied with a smile "Aren't you suppose to be back there?"

"Well yes, but no, I wanted to talk to you"

"And I'm guessing you want to talk about the fight I just had?"

He grinned "Well you kinda guessed right"

I laughed a little, playing it cool you know? But I really didn't feel like talking about the fight right now, not at this time really.

"I was wondering why you started the fight with Monty" he asked while looking at me, waiting for an answer.

I sighed "Well, I don't know, he just said some stuff" 

"Well yeah, I'm sure half of the locker room heard what he said, including me"

My heart skipped a beat, I was beginning to get a little nervous "Ah, I see"

"I mean, what he said about Clay was bad, but you never really are the one to start fights with people, why did what he said, set you off so badly?" 

I didn't answer him for a while until I finally reached detention.

"Dude, listen, I need to tell you something"

Zach's face brightened up a little "yeah what's up?"

I took a deep breath "Well... the thing is, there's more to the story, there's more to... me and Clay"

Zach looked pretty confused now "what do you mean?"

Before I could tell him anything else, the bell rang 

"I'll tell you tomorrow alright?"

"Sounds good! Have fun in detention man!" Zach yelled as he disappeared into the crowd

I rolled my eyes and walked into the detention room.

Me and Monty were sent to detention for the last hour of the day, we sat as far away from eachother as possible, Monty seemed to be on his phone the whole time while I looked out the window. During the fight I managed to give Monty a bloody nose, bruised eye and bruised shoulder. I had a small bruise on my face but the left side of my rib cage was extremely bruised. I tried touching the bruise but it was more painful then I expected it to be, so I tried to leave it alone as best as I could. But it wasn't bothering me as much as the question that kept roaming through my brain, over, and over again. 

Should I tell Zach about everything?

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