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Hello guys sorry this isn't a new chapter. But I just came here to say that this story will be on hold for a little bit only because it's the final month of school and I really really gotta focus on it. But not to worry! I will continue to write this story as soon as I get into summer break :) I'm almost done school finally woohooooo!!! If I calculate this I think the next chapter will be out within 2 weeks to 4 weeks from now, since that's the time I'll be done school and I already am finished half the chapter so maybe I may even have time to publish it by the end of the month never know :). I do indeed apologize to keep y'all waiting so long! But also, thank you guys so much for 2K it means so much to me! And thank you all for the support and patience you hold, I love you guys 🙏💙 

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