Part 17- Maybe this will never stop

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Scott's POV

After talking with Zach, it felt as if a weight was lifted off my chest, I felt pretty good. The thing is no one really knew I was ever into boys, I kinda just figured out I was into boys just over a month ago so it ain't a huge deal, I don't know if I'd be ready to tell the whole world that yet, Clay might not be either. Once the lunch bell rang, I headed towards my next class. Baseball practice. Zach told me he wouldn't be able to go to practice today since he needs to study for one of his science exams, which he told me that it was a really tough exam he needed to pass. I definitely believe him, he's got a strict mom anyways.

I paced down the hallway heading straight for the locker rooms. Deep down I was hoping and hoping that Monty didn't get there before me, since it would be awkward knowing what just happened in detention the other day, but knowing Monty? he probably didn't care much about anything I said in the detention room yesterday.

I walked in to notice how unlucky I was, the only people in the locker room were me, Bryce, Monty, and some other random boy I didn't know much about. The most uncomfortable part was when as soon as I walked in, Bryce and Monty were already staring in my direction. I awkwardly made my way to my locker while they continued to eye me, like they were waiting for  the perfect moment to attack, ya know? I opened my locker while quickly changing into my baseball uniform, It only took about a couple of seconds after I finished changing, to hear Bryce's Laughter and the dreadful footsteps sliding closer, and closer to me. Until he stopped right beside me.

"Your boy Clay isn't safe with you, you know that?"

Ignore him.

"Neither are you Scott"

Ignore him.

"We will take you both down one day, you'll see"

He's so fucking annoying. I turned and slammed my locker shut, causing Bryce to flinch a little at the loud bang that echoed throughout the room. I stormed out of the locker room fast, I was losing it again and I didn't want to, I needed to control myself. I didn't need to start another fight. Bryce would probably have a better chance at beating me, since I didn't have the same adrenaline I gained at that party.

About 2 minutes later, I stepped out onto the field to notice I was pretty early. I decided to walk over and sit down on one of the side benches where it was shady, peaceful, and cool from the hot sun. The other guys probably wouldn't be out for a bit, since they like to fool around in the locker rooms a lot. I'm glad that I am alone for now since I needed to think about something important, how I'm graduating this year. I was beginning to zone out, getting lost in thought thinking of how when I graduate, I would be leaving Clay here, along with my other friends. At first I was pretty excited to leave school, mostly because I'd have Bryce graduating with me since we are both seniors, maybe a few of the other jocks too. But now, I don't feel the same excitement for graduation anymore, not after everything that has happened this past month, I won't have any friends graduating with me at all at this point, there's a few people I know that are graduating with me but I'm not exactly close to them, people like Ryan, Courtney, Chloe, Marcus, and Sheri. 

I looked over to notice that some of my teammates were starting to run onto the field, just pushing each other around, making gay jokes, just the usual. When I used to hangout with Monty and Bryce, I guess you could say the homophobic remarks kind of bothered me a little, not much though since I knew they were joking, and since they never knew I was into boys either. But i never knew I was into boys yet either.

I must say, it's mostly Monty who's giving all the homophobic remarks to everyone, he does it way to much most of the time, I always kind of guessed Monty had some sort of thing for hating gays, since he used all those words like faggot and shit, I never really knew why though. I notice how each time someone would make some sort of gay joke about him, he'd overreact and go all violent and aggressive, I never knew what his problem was. I still wonder about that, why he seemed to be so homophobic, or, I think he's homophobic.

But, I have more important things to focus on right now, like making sure that Bryce, Monty, or anyone really, don't lay a hand on Clay while I'm around on this fucking planet. I just want all of this to stop, its pointless and stupid, Monty needs to take a fucking breath, Bryce needs a fucking therapist, I need a fucking break. Hopefully when I leave this school, all of this bullshit will stop. 

I could feel my anger begin to pile up inside of me as my thoughts took over, I was feeling more and more angry by the minute. 

"Scotty hey!"

I looked up to see Jeff jogging towards me, I quickly calmed myself down before he could reach me.

"Hey man what's up?" I said as he sat down beside me.

"Coach says practice is starting soon, you doing alright?"

I sighed "Yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You just seem different, I don't know" Jeff shrugged

I looked down, not quite knowing how to answer. We remained silent for a few minutes, Jeff just sat there looking at me the whole time, what does he want?

"Um, do you need something?" I ask him

He didn't answer me for what felt like forever, I asked him once again but a little bit louder, this time he decided to speak.

"Well uh... maybe, I need to let you know of something"

I began to feel concerned "what's going on?"

Jeff looked away, he seemed to struggle with what he was going to say. He took a deep breath, then he began to speak.

"Bryce... he uh..." Jeff paused again.

My eyebrows rose as I sat up more, beginning to get more interested in what he was about to say "He what?", but little did I know, I was so unprepared for what was about to exit his mouth...

"Scott... did you kiss Clay?"

My heart dropped to my stomach, I could feel myself beginning to panic a little. How the hell did Jeff find out? Who told him? But most importantly, who else knew?

"What?! Where did you hear that from???" I spat out.

Jeff then looked over to the direction of Bryce, who was standing across the field chatting to the coaches.

"Bryce is going around telling the whole team, that you kissed Clay"


Maybe this will never stop. 

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