Part 12- The rest of the gang

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Scott's POV

Monday 8:13am

It took about 2 seconds until I woke up, Jesus, it felt like I only slept for a blink of an eye. I sat up in my bed trying to open my eyes since it was difficult when I was so tired, my eyes finally adjusted properly, and I looked at the time on my phone, 8:13am it shown. School starts at 8:45am, so I might be late.. Well that sucks, if i am late, hopefully nothing happens to clay before I get there. I lifted myself out of my bed and began to get ready, I changed into a plain, dark grey t-shirt with some jeans and put my liberty tigers jacket on over top, i then hurried over to my bathroom to quickly brush my teeth before I threw on my backpack and started walking to school. 

Close to 15 minutes later, I arrived in the school grounds and walked through the entrance doors on time as the bell rang for everyone to head to class. I quickly walked to my locker, shoved all of my stuff in there for the day and continued walking to my class, Me and clay had the same history class together on day 1, so I assumed he'd already arrived to class. I arrived in history just in time before the second bell rang and everyone sat down, I noticed Clay was here already so I gave him a small smile, he smiled back.

For over 30 minutes i sat there extremely tired, attempting to focus and listen to my teacher, but it was pretty difficult since I was rushing to get to school, since I woke up late, I may have almost fell asleep for a brief second to be honest. I continued to glance at the board, where my teacher was writing stuff down on it that I wasn't paying much attention to, but, I found my eyes beginning to glance back behind me, sitting two seats behind me on my right was clay, he seemed pretty normal, well until he moved his hand out of the way of his face. As soon as he did that, a large red mark on his cheek was visible, it seemed to be pretty bruised. I frowned knowing that it could have been Bryce or Monty who did that to clay, I was full on distracted from the class now, all I could think about was how clay got the red mark on his face, and who, or what, did it to him.

The bell finally rang and everyone got up to go to their second classes of the day. Before clay got up from his seat, I got up and walked over to him. 

"Clay what happened to your face" I asked him calmly. 

He looked up at me "hey Scott. Oh um, it's not that big of a deal" 

He then tried to walk past me, but I stopped him.

"Clay, what happened"

He was silent for a few seconds, I waited for his answer patiently, until he finally spoke 

"I was in the hall.. I don't know, I just crossed one of the jocks and they ended up shoving my face onto a locker pretty hard"

I felt pretty pissed at this point I must say "Who was it"

"It was Luke, he was walking with Bryce" He spoke silently to me

Those fucking assholes... 

"What the fuck is their problem" Anger was beginning to consume me as I turned away from Clay and began walking somewhere, I didn't know where I was walking to, my anger was guiding me as this point. 

I suddenly felt clay grab my arm "Wait Scott, it's fine, I'll be fine" he said trying to calm me down. 

"Alright..." I replied

I still felt angry at the fact that Bryce's friends were continuing to hurt clay, when I wasn't around. 

"Just so you know, if Bryce or any of his friends hurt you come tell me alright?" I smiled  

"yeah I gotcha" clay responded with a small smile, I love his smile, it is really cute. 

As I was walking with him to his next class, I noticed Bryce at his locker looking over at clay, me and clay both turned our heads to watch him. Most of the time, it was just me and Bryce giving each other glares, but i noticed once we were beginning to get further away, Bryce winked at Clay, then laughed. Clay turned away fast and looked to the ground, looking extremely uncomfortable. I was boiling at that point, I felt awful for him. 

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