morning madness

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I woke up to the sun beaming in my face

I sat up looking around my room

" something feels off" I mumbles squinting my eyes and looking around

I got up and strecthed before walking out my room

" MA?" I called out

" why you yelling in my damn house" she responded

I cleared my throat and walked downstairs

" do today feel off to you" I questioned looking at her

she looked at me

" no" she answered looking at me strangely

I crossed my arms and thought about it

" mia its summer your probably use to waking up and going to school that's probably why today feels off" she said

I shook my head

" thats not it I know that its summer but....." I said before pausing

" but what?" she questioned side eyeing me

" I KNOW WHAT IT IS" I shouted throwing my arms up

" what is it" she asked

" usually wake me up every summer talking about baby sitting aiden" I said smiling hard

she sucked her teeth and waved her hand

" so" I said leaning over the counter smiling " come on tell me the news and when I have to be over there"

" ohh girl cleo got a new baby sitter" she laughed

I paused and froze in place

" huh....say what now" I said holding my ear

" yea she wanted you to have at least one summer with out watching Aiden she said she doesn't want to burden you with watching him" she explained

" BULL SHI-" I quickly covered my mouth while staring at my mother

" A NEW BABY SITTER BUT I- SHE- WH-" I spoke trying to get my words out

" mia its not that serious and that was your last year so you should probably spend this summer looking for collages to attend don't you think" she said

I sucked my teeth

" I didn't like elementary school middle school or high school I'm taking a good year off before I go back to school for collage" I said before dashing up the stairs

" new baby sitter my ass" I groaned while zooming to my room

" bull shit bull shit bull shit" I mumbled throwing my covers off my bed trying to find my phone

I dived onto the bed grabbing my phone immediately calling kiara

" answer bitch" I whispered tapping my phone repeatedly

" wussup girllll" kiara answered

" BITCH THEY REPLACED ME" I nearly screamed

" WHO" she semi yelled coming closer to the phone

" cleooooo got aiden a newww babysittterrrrr" I whined

" bitch no she did not" kiara said covering her mouth

" yes she did she said she didn't want to burden me with watching aiden and allat shit and wanted me to have a summer to myself" I explained holding my chest

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