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Someone please take YouTube away from me. Anyway, let's get this show on the road!
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to: ashestoashes@gmail.com
from: cliff_fuckoff_ord@gmail.com
now i know what you're thinking; why the hell do i have an email from a stupid ass kid who is too lazy to hit the shift button as he types
my shift keys are broken. both of them. i also can't do a bunch of symbols either, including the question mark, so i apologize in advanced.
but anyway, i'm writing you this stupid and demented email because i have to. my english teacher assigned us this project; pick a card out of her hat and on it there is an email. well, i got you. i'm sorry for that, you don't want to talk to me. no one does. she wants us to do a pen pal thing. i don't know why. i think it's because we started a discussion about internet friends and how language can bring us together and some other bullshit and a few kids said internet friends are not real friends. fucking pricks. so she decided to show them up by making us do this project. again, i am sorry.
she said that your teacher was also doing something similar so that you would be in similar shoes. if not, just let me know. i'll tell her and she'll get me a new partner, i guess. i don't know why you would want to talk to me if you didn't have to.
i guess all you need to know about me is that i am 15 and i live in the states. massachusetts, to be specific. i lived in australia up until i was 13 though. my mum told me that we were moving that spring as soon as school got out. i didn't think she was serious. she was. i tried to stay in touch with my old friends, but they all forgot about me. i don't have very many friends at this school either. i guess i'm just to weird. whatever.
i also play the guitar. it's my favorite thing ever. i sing a bit, but i don't think it'll be anything special. just a hobby.
like the rest of my life.
i've been writing this for hours now, and i still don't know what else to say.
you're probably really annoyed with me so i'll go.
talk to you later maybe,
p.s. i'm sorry about the caps thing again. lord knows it pisses everyone else off, i don't know why it wouldn't do the same to you.

All Because of This (a.i. m.c.)
Fanfictionmichael clifford lives in the united states. he moved when he was 13, and was seemingly torn from his life and friends. ever since, things have been going down hill. ~~ Ashton Irwin lives in Sweden. He too moved when he was 13, happy to escape his o...