I wrote this in the middle of the night and I'm just surprised that there aren't any unicorns or rainbows in there. I'm very tired. But being tired makes me productive so that's okay! Enjoy.
Triggers: None
To: cliff_fuckoff_ord@gmail.com
From: ashestoashes@gmail.com
Hello Mikey!
Now the question is: am I too tired to write an email that will make any sense at all? I honestly don't know. It's 3 am and I'm beyond tired. You'll just have to bear with me.
First of all, you think my accent is cute? Seriously? I think that it has gotten messed up since I moved to Sweden. It's just a mix of everything at once. I think you're the one with the cute accent. You might not like the American accent, but I think it's nice. It suits you. You've also got a tiny but of Australian left in there, which makes it even cuter. To sum it all up: you're cute. But we already knew that.
I promise to call you whenever I need you. Thank you, Mikey. But seriously, you're calling me out because I used a Harry Potter reference and then you drop the okay - bomb? Nah ah. That's not fair.
You watched me sleep? I suppose we're even then. But still. Embarrassment. Can't believe I didn't end the call. Guess that even when I was half asleep I couldn't let you out of my sight ;)
That whole rollerblading accident sounds painful. Good to hear that you're mum came and took care of you. Jesus man, that could have ended badly.
Update on my accident thingy: I got crutches. The joy. Apparently nothing is broken but mum dragged my ass to the doctor and he told me not to put pressure on my ankle for a couple of days, so I'm stuck with these bad boys. Seriously, the guy who invented crutches, what was running through his head? "I know, we give people who hurt their leg some metal things to jump around with so they can fall over and hurt themselves even more!" It's madness. And I can't do anything with them either, which sucks. I don't get any sympathy though. Luke laughed when I told him, my mum and sister simply doesn't care and my brother tried to trip me as soon as I got home. I can't believe I love these people.
I would really like to hear you play guitar. I don't care that you know very little, or about the fact that what you know is depressing songs. I would just love to hear it. But don't worry, I can wait. I just hope that we can play something together sometime. You write your own stuff? That's cool. That's very cool. You're just so full of awesomeness and you don't even know it!
I really hope you're mother is right and that it will be easier than I think to get plane tickets to America. I just want to get to that god damn country and give you a hug. Fuck it all. I just... I just wish I was beside you.
Sorry. I'm getting emotional. 3 am you know. I should go to sleep.
Good night love.
Ashton xx
PS: Ashy? That's cute. And don't worry, you have nothing to be afraid of. It's just a little something I'm working on.

All Because of This (a.i. m.c.)
Fanficmichael clifford lives in the united states. he moved when he was 13, and was seemingly torn from his life and friends. ever since, things have been going down hill. ~~ Ashton Irwin lives in Sweden. He too moved when he was 13, happy to escape his o...