Hahaha, new favorite thing, confusing Linn. That's a fun one.
I'm still sick! Goddamn my awful immune system.
Preordered FoB's album. Now is jam time! Hit it!
Triggers: self-harm, panic attacks
To: ashestoashes@gmail.com
From: cliff_fuckoff_ord@gmail.com
way to go ashton. 100 points to your house [hufflepuff?].
you made me, known to be an emotionless bastard, cry. i was curled up on my bed clutching a pillow, sobbing. thanks for that man.
go home. you're too nice. too smart. too understanding. too perfect. you just make me realize how fucking lucky i am that your my pen pal thingy. and how you deserve a better one.
but, you still make me sad. you aren't here. not when i have attacks, not when i'm sitting on the porcelain bath tube, staining it red with my blood. you're literally the only one whose been able to save me from myself without using blunt force. without having to fight me.
but, you can't always be here. i'm on my own in this big lonely universe, a speck of flesh and blood and organs and a tiny bit of brain in retrospect to the galaxy.
but ashton, thinking of everything is starting to freak me out. i need your help. please. i know, major accomplishment, the kid who refuses help is begging for it. but please. i need you right now. it's a friday, so unless you have plans, i won't make you exhausted for school tomorrow.
you can say no. you are allowed to say no. remember that.
my skype is thekidsarentalright [it's my current anthem don't judge me.]
mikey [you got to me] xx
p.s. you just make me cry harder. stop being so cute dammit.

All Because of This (a.i. m.c.)
Fanfictionmichael clifford lives in the united states. he moved when he was 13, and was seemingly torn from his life and friends. ever since, things have been going down hill. ~~ Ashton Irwin lives in Sweden. He too moved when he was 13, happy to escape his o...