This title always makes me think of The Good Left Undone by Rise Against.
I'm still sick. I'm still jamming to Fall Out Boy.
I have school tomorrow. *cries*
Triggers: none
hi ash. ;]
i have to say i'm flattered. you thought about me? really? i don't know why you would do that. i'm just me. and you are you, my little angel. and shut up! pen pal thingy is incredibly wise and sophisticated. trust me, i know.
i loved the call last night as well. you're accent is amazing, i mean seriously. it's not just the australian one, but it's also mixed with, dare i say, a bit of british and so many others to make it the best thing ever. i just wish that having a different accent here would be considered something other than a meek difference, or something that gets you picked on. the american accent is ugly and stupid and it makes who ever talks in it give off the aura of hatred and corrupted values and stupidity and self centered-ness and other horrible things. really, i hate being american. or considered one, at least.
please do not bring up the awful topic that is laundry. i'll make sure i clean my room before we chat again. maybe you can actually see it next time.
yeah i'll call you [even though you just brought on the worst harry potter feels ever. god man, you can't do that.] as long as you promise to call me whenever you need me. okay? okay.
you watched me while i was sleeping? well, let me say, you slept in quite late mister. i know you were still knocked out at 1. you didn't end the skype call last night, whether you forgot to or not... c; but i can say the same about you. you look so young when you aren't awake. you look my age, señor smiles.
i am a vampire. i can tell you aren't. you're too... tan. *shivers with disgust*
feel better ashy! getting hurt sucks. i remember when i fell while i was rollerblading and broke my elbow. it got infected too because i didn't realize i needed to go to the hospital. when my mom finally came home she just flipped a shit and carted me off. she stayed home for two weeks with me once i got out. we just sat around and watched movies. when i went back to school and she had to leave for work, i just lived with cal until the cast was off and i was done with pt. that was the life.
i don't do much with my life. i go to school, i do homework, i sometimes hang with cal, i tell my guitar my problems, i write songs in my notebook, i contemplate the meaning of life... nothing else really.
you don't want to hear me play. i know very little and what i do know are sad and depressing songs. no.
i told my mom about you. and being my mother [i got my crazy from somewhere] she said that you getting plane tickets to america may be easier than you think. just wait for school to be over. can it be over now? please? i'm so done with it. [she also mentioned luke too and calum staying en mi casa, so you kinda have to love my mom even more now.]
have a good day as well. talk to you later ashy.
michael xx
p.s. .... i'm scared ...

All Because of This (a.i. m.c.)
Fanfictionmichael clifford lives in the united states. he moved when he was 13, and was seemingly torn from his life and friends. ever since, things have been going down hill. ~~ Ashton Irwin lives in Sweden. He too moved when he was 13, happy to escape his o...