Hello! Long time no seen, but here's another chapter. Enjoy x
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To: cliff_fuckoff_ord@gmail.com
From: ashestoashes@gmail.com
I’m crying. I listened, and I get it. But I don’t want to get it. I don’t want there to be anything to get.
You’re breaking and I don’t want you to be breaking. I just want to gather you up in my arms, pull you out of the water and hold you tight until everything is okay again. But it doesn’t work like that. I know that. But I want it to. God knows how much I want it to.
I wish I could do more. I wish Calum could do more. I’m sure he is doing all he can, but I wish he could help you in the way Luke helps me.
Luke has been sleeping in my room since our skype call. He helps a lot. I’ve thrown up a couple of times, but he holds the bucket and comforts me afterwards. I wake up screaming, but he sings me back to sleep. He’s got a nice voice, you know. I can imagine yours is better though. I’ve been imagining you singing along with Luke to Wonderwall. It’s when I imagine your voice that I’m finally at peace.
The fact that I can get at least a little peace is what gives me hope. Hope that I can be whole again. That I can be happy. But you’re still not happy, and that breaks my heart.
It scares me, actually. How much I care for you. Hell, you’re on the opposite side of the world, still you’re one of the most important people in my life. I don’t know how that is possible. But it is. And right now, the only thing I want more than for me to be happy, is for you to be happy.
To see you happy is my biggest goal in life right now. You might be struggling, but I’m not close to giving up. I want to see that beautiful smile reach those mesmerizing green eyes of yours. But not just through a webcam. I want to be there to see it. That’s why I’m coming. To America. Me and Luke will fly down on the 25th of June. That’s just over a month from now.
Mikey, please make sure that your smile is there to be seen when I arrive.
Ashton x

All Because of This (a.i. m.c.)
Fanfictionmichael clifford lives in the united states. he moved when he was 13, and was seemingly torn from his life and friends. ever since, things have been going down hill. ~~ Ashton Irwin lives in Sweden. He too moved when he was 13, happy to escape his o...