Chapter 1

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The doorbell echoed loudly throughout the Bakugo household.

"Katsuki! Get the door!"

"Get it yourself, you old hag!"

"Don't make me come down there and kick your ass!"

"Calm down, you two. I'll get it," an exasperated man sighed, mostly to himself, as he padded towards the front door, the other two still yelling back and forth behind him.

Masaru glanced through the curtains as he approached, and his weariness soon melted into a grin. Moving quickly, he shuffled to unlock the door.

"Good morning, sir!" a girl greeted with a bright smile. Her raven hair fell straight to her mid-back with one side tucked behind her ear, her deep brown eyes were hidden by a cheery grin, and she waved so sweetly that images of flowers almost seemed to manifest around her.

"Naoko! You've grown so much! I could have sworn you were a baby just yesterday!" the man grinned with the same enthusiasm. The shouting match behind him lapsed momentarily as an irritated blonde boy pushed his way into the doorframe.

"Who the hell are you?" he demanded, scanning her irritably, glaring down his nose at the stranger in front of his house.

"I'm Ito Naoko- it's nice to meet you!" Somehow, her grin didn't falter as the boy glared daggers at her.

"Katsuki, don't be rude. Naoko is going to be staying with us for a while."


"Naoko!" A blonde woman darted past the pair as she tackled the girl into a hug, beaming brightly, "It's been so long! I can't believe you've gotten so big! Honey, you and Katsuki help bring her things inside," she waved at her husband before ushering the still-smiling girl into the house. "Come, come, let me show you to your room!"

"Hey- hey! What the hell?!"

Behind him, his father bent to pick up the large suitcase he only now noticed was there. "Come on, let's go inside," the cheerful man patted him on the back as he trailed after the two women.


"Sit down, idiot!" Bakugo Mitsuki forced her struggling son onto the couch, a death grip on his shoulder, before taking a seat beside him. "Naoko, this is our son, Katsuki. Katsuki, this is Ito Naoko; her parents are good friends of your father and I from the old design firm."

"Who cares?! Why the hell is she here?!"

"Don't be an asshole, you little shit!"

"Naoko is going to be attending high school here. Her parents live rather far away, so she'll be staying with us for a while," Masaru explained mildly, quite in contrast with the rest of the little family.

"Thank you very much for having me, my parents send their thanks as well! I brought some small souvenirs we thought you might like," she smiled, brandishing two elaborate-looking gift bags, handing the first to Masaru. "This is a vintage music box from Paris; my mother remembered how much you like classical music, sir. And this one is a volleyball my mother had signed especially for you, ma'am," she smiled, handing the second, squarer bag to Mitsuki.

"No way!" her eyes sparkled at the ball in her hands, growing ever more excited as she saw the neat signature of one of her favorite players, "Ha! Your mother really is living the good life!"

"These are wonderful, Naoko. Thank you very much."

"It's nothing at all- I'm glad you like them!"

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