~Its You!~ Abbacchio x Reader

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(This was requested by the wonderful trashcan_1)

As you run through the streets, the sound of sirens fills your ears. "Godamnit, why did this have to go so poorly?" You said to yourself.


"(Y/N), I need you to go on this mission for me." You nodded and walked over to your boss, Bucciarati. "What is it?" He just stares at the table before sighing and turning to you. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I need you to kill someone. Hes a drug dealer, he mostly sells his goods to children." You just nodded and gave him a serious look. "It will be done."

And it was done, the man is dead. But that didnt stop someone from walking into the alley you cornered him in and called to cops. So now, your running for your life from the police. "STOP!" Ahead of you is one cop, simple enough. You pulled out your stand [Starbomb] and vaulted over him. "What the hell?" You hear him say. You turn around to look at him and smile. "I'm sorry," you look at his tag. "Officer Abbacchio, but I'll be taking my leave." With that, you ran out of the alley, down the street, and made your way to the hideout.

~Like maybe a year later~

"Fugo, (Y/N), I'd like to introduce you to the new member of our group." You and Fugo stood up and went to greet the newbie. Your eyes widened at who you saw in front of you. "Names Leone Abbacchio." He shakes Fugo's hand and turns to you. His eyes widen as he points his finger at you. "YOU!" Bucciarati just tilts his head in confusion and looks to you. "I kinda had a run in with him a year ago." Fugo just slaps his face and groans. You smile and hold out your hand to Abbacchio. "Yell it's nice to formally meet you, I'm (Y/N)." He just scowls at you but reluctantly takes your hand in his. You smile and you could have sworn you saw a small bit of pink on his face. "I hope we can get along."

(How was it???? Bad? Good? Okay? Thanks for reading, heres another gift)

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