~Hee Hee~ Illuso x Reader

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(I came up with this last night)

"Hee hee!" You look behind you to find Illuso with his headphones one. You shake your head and go back to reading. As you try to read, a you could hear is Illuso trying to sing Michael Jackson. Your eyelid twitches as you stand up.

"You've been hit by, you've been struck by-" At that, you slap him. He runs his cheek and looks at you with a sad look.

"What was that for?" Your face contorts to one of anger.

"Why, you ask? Well it's simple, your singing sucks!" He looks down and pouts. You turn back around and go back to reading your book.

~Time Skip~

As you all sit down at the dinner table, you all look to Illuso's empty seat.

"Wheres mirror boy?" Ghiacco turns to you. You shrug and look at the stairs. You sigh and stand up, making your way upstairs. As you got to his room, you see him on the bed. You walk up to him and raise an eyebrow.

"What the hell are you doing?"



"You said I suck." You slap your face in frustration.

"I said your singing sucks." He shakes his head.

"Even my own girlfriend hates me." You groan and sit down next to him. You pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek.

"Babe, if it will make you feel better, you can keep singing your songs. Just please not while I'm reading." He looks at you smiles. He stands up and rushes downstairs. You groan and follow. As you enter, Ghiacco turns to you.

"Well hes in a good mood." You just sigh and rub your temples.

(Sorry it sucks, I didnt sleep last night. Dont forget to request!)

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