~Chubby~ Bucciarati x Reader

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(Sorry I didnt update yesterday, my phone died)

You giggle as you hide under the sink, an armful of snacks with you. You quietly open a package of powdered doughnuts, trying not to give away your position. You shove the whole package in your mouth and move onto the next one. As you do, footsteps enter the kitchen.

"(Y/N), what did I say about eating all the food! You'll end up the size of your father!" You stop chewing and listen to the footsteps of your boyfriend, Bucciarati. You sigh as you hear the footsteps leave.

"There you are!" You squeal in surprise as the door opens, revealing a very disappointed looking Bucciarati. He looks down to the snacks in your arms and snatches them away.


"(Y/N), I dont want you to get sick." You pout and look down.

"B-but I want to eat them." Bucciarati sighs and pats your head.

"I know, but I dont want you to end up as big as your father." You cross your arms and look away.

"But what if I want to follow in his footsteps? Hmmmmm?" Bucciarati shakes his head.

"Polpo can barely move around, I dont want that to happen to you." You sigh and slowly nod.

"Good, now come on out of there." You freeze.

"T-thats just it......I'm so chubby that, that I can barely fit.......I'm stuck." Bucciarati chuckles and uses [Sticky Fingers] to get you out of there.

"Well, my chubby little munchkin, why dont we go make dinner?" You nod and grab his hand, letting him lead you to the kitchen to make dinner.

(Its short, sorry. I'm just really tired, insomnia man, it sucks)

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