~Old Fashioned Stand Off~ Hol Horse x Reader

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(This was requested by the amazing enihilo! Also, your stand is [Big Iron] again. Why? Because I'm a lazy piece of shit)

"Mr. Avdol!!" You and Kakyoin run to his body. You fall to your knees and check for a pulse. You look to Kakyoin and see him and Polnareff arguing. Kakyoin growls and turns to you.

"Kakyoin, take Polnareff and find the other stand user."

"What about you?" You smile and summon your stand.

"I think I can take 'em." Kakyoin nods and runs to the truck on the other side of the road. You watch as Kakyoin grabs Polnareff and drive off. You turn around and look at the enemy stand user.

"So your the one who killed my friend." He smiles and pulls his hat down.

"That I am little missy. Now I dont want to hurt a girl, so you best be on your way." You scoff and point at him.

"I'll avenge my friend! [Big Iron]!" You aim your gun at him and pull the trigger. His eyes widen in shock as he shoots his own gun. The bullets collide in the air, causing them to fly off somewhere else. You huff and turn around to see Mr. Joestar and Jotaro running towards you. You smirk and turn towards the enemy. He tips his hat down and looks at you.

"Well, looks like you won. But you wont win next time, beautiful!" With that, he ran off. You frown and turn to the buff men behind you.

"Is he going to be ok?" Mr. Joestar nods and turns towards you.

"He'll be fine, but he needs to recover. Wheres Kakyoin and Polnareff?" You shrug your shoulders and look back in the direction the enemy ran off.

"How odd."

"What?" You turn to Jotaro and shake your head.

"Nothin' Kujo."



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