~Cuddle Time~ Tiziano x Reader x Squalo

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(This, was requested by my good friend Octopusgirl0. I'm so sorry if it doesnt turn out good, if you dont like it, just let me know and I'll rewrite it)

You yawn as you slowly open your eyes. You try your best to stretch, but ultimately fail, trapped in a cuddle by the loves of your life. You sigh and place a kiss on both of their cheeks.

"Tizzy, Squizzy, it's time to wake up." Squalo opens one eye and pouts.

"I dont wanna." You giggle and ruffle his hair.

"Well, I suppose we can stay for a little longer, if that's ok with you Tizzy." Tiziano sighs and nuzzles into your shoulder.

"I suppose, I guess I'll go shopping tomorrow." Squalo let's out a small 'yay' before cuddling closer to you. You lightly kiss Squalo's cheek and turn to Tiziano.

"Dont worry Tizzy, I'll go shopping with you." He nods and kisses your cheek, making you smile. You try your best to wrap your arms around the both of them and pull them close to you.

"I love you two, never forget that."

"How could we forget, you say it everyday." You chuckle and close your eyes, happily falling asleep with the ones you love the most.

(Its short, I'm soooorrrrryyyyy. Not a JoJo meme, but it made me laugh)

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