~We Might Get Along~ Jotaro x Reader

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(Hello my little children, sorry for not updating, I've just been really lazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry. So, this was requested by the lovely StxllarLove. Jeez, I'm running out of adjectives-)

Jotaro sighs in annoyance as he walks ahead of his screaming fangirls. He pulls his hat down and growls as one latches onto his arm.

"JoJo~ Come to my house after school, pleaseeeeeeee?" He swats her away with a growl, making her blush. He shoots a glare at the group, causing them to swoon.

"That was meant for me."

"No! It was for me!"



"SHUT UP!" But it wasnt Jotaro who yelled. The fangirls gasp and cower away, making Jotaro turn around. As he turns around, he sees a girl. Her (H/L) (H/C) tucked underneath the hood of her black hoodie. She glares at the group and pulls up the skeleton facemask she had on.

"Your all damn annoying. Leave the poor guy alone, jesus!" She growls and turns around, stomping off to school. Jotaro watches as she leaves, curiosity taking over. He turns to the fangirls and snaps his fingers, getting their attention.

"Who was that?" The head girl crossed her arms.

"That was (Y/N) (L/N), shes a big bully. Always calling us mean things like 'bitch' or 'whore'." She shakes her head and looks away sadly. Jotaro roles his eyes and continues his walk to school, thinking of that girl, (Y/N), the whole time.

~Time Skip~

Jotaro groans in anger as his fangirls sit next to him at the lunch table. As he starts to get up, the girl next to him gets yanked out of her seat.

"Move over slut, I'm sitting here." Jotaro looks over and sees (Y/N) holding the collar of the fangirl. The fangirl shakily nods and runs away. (Y/N) nods and sits next to Jotaro. The remaining fangirls shrug and start squealing about Jotaro. (Y/N)'s eyelid twitches and she throws a milk carton at them.

"Shut up!" They all gasp and run off. (Y/N) sighs in relief and rubs her temples. She looks up at Jotaro and nods.

"(Y/N), I'm guessing your that Kujo guy everyone talks about." Jotaro nods and looks into her (E/C) eyes. He tips his hat down, a sudden blush spreading on his cheeks.

"What the hell? What is this feeling?" Jotaro thought to himself. (Y/N) sighs and shakes her head.

"I dont know why those girls squeal over you." She shakes her head more and stands up.

"Well then, maybe we'll talk later. I can protect you from those crazy chicks!" She snickers and punches his shoulder.

"Ow fuck-" He holds her hand briefly and shakes it. She shrugs and runs off, saluting Jotaro as she runs. Jotaro watches her go, slightly smiling.

"I think you and I are going to get along well....."

(*poses and sings* It was, trassshhhh~~~~
Eh, I'm sorry, did my best. I am in the middle of class so oop-)

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