~Smile!~Ghiaccio x Reader

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(I'm sorry for not updating today, theres just a lot going on at home and its messing with my head a little. Anyhoodle, heres today's chapter!)

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" You sigh and put your book down. You stand up and follow the sounds of your boyfriend's angry rant. You poke your head into the kitchen and sigh. Currently, Formaggio is dipping a chocolate chip cookie in orange juice, angeringyour boyfriend.(I almost threw up) You walk up to Ghiaccio and wrap your arms around his chest.

"Ghia, baby, what did I say about yelling?" He sighs and takes deep breaths.

"You said that it messes with my blood  pressure." You nod and gently nuzzle his back. Formaggio snickers, earning a sharp glare from you. You grab Ghiaccio's hands and lightly tug him to the living room.

"Come on baby, let's go relax." He nods and let's you pull him out of the room. You carefully pull him into the living room, gently pushing him into the couch. He sits on the couch and pulls you into his chest. He places a kiss in your forehead and starts to mutter to himself about how stupid Formaggio is. You frown and study his face.

"Baby." You call out gently. He pauses his muttering and looks to you. You pout and push the corners of his lips upwards.

"Come on baby, you need to smile more. You'll get wrinkles." He gives you a fake smile, making your frown deepen. You huff and shift so you weren't facing him.

"What's your problem?" You just huff snd cross your arms. He groans and buries his face in your shoulder. You turn your head and place a kiss on his cheek, making him blush a little.

"Ghia, I dont want you to look like your sixty when your only in your twenties." (We dont know their exact ages, but Risotto is 28, so the rest must be close) He sighs and lifts his head up.

"Your the only thing that makes me smile." You smile at his words and wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"Aww, for an angry ice man, you do have a warm heart." He blushes and turns his head. You giggle and kiss his cheek a couple times. He smiles and grabs your face.

"Ok ok, that's enough." You pout and lay your head on his chest.


(Yeah, its not really good. I'm just not doing to good right now. This picture fills me with fear)

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