~Do Penguins Have Knees~ Ghiaccio x Reader

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(I hope I'm spelling his name right. But here's Ghiaccio. Hes an angry boy but we love him)

You sigh in content as you sit on the couch. You look down and smile, seeing your hot headed boyfriend sleeping peacefully on your lap. You run your fingers through his curly hair, earning a satisfied hum from his unconscious form. All of a sudden, you hear yelling in the kitchen. You growl and cover Ghiaccio's ears, trying to let him sleep. As the yelling moved into the living room, you turn your head and give them a glare.

"What the hell? Cant you see my icy angel is trying to sleep?!" Formaggio scoffs.

"More like icy gremlin." You eyelid twitches in anger. You take a deep breath and calm down.

"What the hell are you two yelling about anyways?" Formaggio looks to Illuso and they give eachother a nod. You raise an eyebrow as Illuso walks up to you and places his hands on your shoulders.

"Do penguins have knees?"


"Do. Penguins. Have. Knees?" You look down, trying to find the answer. You look back up to him.

"I-I dont know. Do they?"

"I dont know, Formaggio doesnt know either. We were hoping you did." You sit there, trying to think. Do penguins have knees? You look up to Illuso and shake your head. He stands up and looks at you.

"Then I guess we'll have to find someone who does." You nod. You gently scoot your boyfriend off of your lap. 'I'm sorry love, but this is more important.' With that, the three of you run upstairs. Once you reach the door, the three of you start knocking furiously.

"Hey hey hey hey hey."

"Prosciutto Prosciutto Prosciutto!"

"Ham man, open the door." Finally, pissed off looking Prosciutto opens the door. He glares at all three of you before sighing.

"What the hell do you want?" The three of you look to one an other and nod. You grab Prosciutto's arms and look him in the eyes.

"Do penguins have knees?" He gives you a look that says, are you seriously that stupid, but then he looks down. He looks back up to you with a worried expression.

"I dont know." You all gasp, if Prosciutto doesnt know, then who does? You look at the two boys behind you.

"We'll have to check Riz then." You all nod and dash away, Prosciutto right behind you guys, wanting to know the answer. Once you get to his door, all of you are knocking on it. Finally it opens, the six foot giant looking down at you guys.


"Do penguins have knees?" You ask in unison. He sighs.

"I have no clue, go look it up." With that, he slams the door. You all look at one an other and sigh.

"I guess we'll never know."

"Never know what?" You all turn around to find Ghiaccio. You smile and turn to him.

"Baby, can you help us?" He shrugs and walks over to the group.

"What do you want?" You smile and grab his hand.

"Well, it's more like a question." He nods for you to continue. You kiss the top of his hand and give him a serious look.

"Do penguins have knees?" His eyelid twitches. He looks at everyone in the little group and looks like hes going to explode.


(Eyo, it's done. It was pretty bad but ok. Dont forget to request!)

 Dont forget to request!)

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