~Special~Cioccolata x Abused! Reader

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(I'm sorry if this doesnt turn out like you wanted it. This was requested by the fabulous erasemyguts)

Cioccolata smiles as he makes his way through the streets of Italy. His companion, Secco, was by his side like always. Cioccolata just finished a mission, and Secco managed to get it all on tape. Cioccolata was ecstatic, nothing made the man happier than seeing the pain and fear on people's faces. As he walks past an alleyway, he hears crying.

"Secco, wait here for a moment." Cioccolata slowly walked into the alley, following the sounds of crying. As he got closer, his eyes spotted the source of all the noise. It was a girl, her skin was a sickly shade of (S/C), her hair and clothes tattered beyond belief. He slowly stopped in front of her, not knowing what to do.

"Excuse me." The girl quickly looked up and yelped in surprise. She scooted away from him until her back hit the wall. She covered her face with her arms and started trembling.

"P-please d-dont hurt me." Her voice was soft, but riddled with sadness. For once in his life, Cioccolata's heart clenched. He felt bad for her, but has no idea why. He slowly bent down to her level and reached out his hand.

"I wont hurt you. My names Cioccolata, you are?" The girl looked into his eyes, and Cioccolata couldnt help but get lost in them.

"M-my n-name is (Y/N)." He smiled, but not his usual sadistic one, an actual smile.

"Well (Y/N), would you allow me to take you home so I may get you cleaned up?" She hesitated, but grabbed Cioccolata's hand. He gently stood up and pulled her out of the alley. Secco immediately poked his head up in excitement, making (Y/N) jump.

"Dont worry my dear, this is my companion, Secco." She nodded, and let Cioccolata lead her to his home. Along the way, Cioccolata couldnt help the feeling he got in his chest whenever he stared into her eyes.

Once they got to his home, he guided the poor girl to the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"Now stay here, I'll be back with some things." She nodded and watched as he left. He made his way to his room, looking in his closet for something that would fit her. He settled on a shirt and a pair of shorts. He walked back into the living room, only to see (Y/N) fast asleep with Secco curled up at her feet. He smiled at the scene and gently picked her up, bringing her to his room. He layed her on the bed and placed the clothes on a nearby chair. He smiled and went back into the living room to sleep on the couch.

~Time Skip~

As Cioccolata cooked breakfast, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and smiled as he saw (Y/N).

"Goodmorning my dear, I hope your hungry." He gently placed the plate of eggs on the table and gestured for her to sit. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"I-I couldnt p-possibly do that. You've d-done so much for me already." Cioccolata walked up to her and smiled.

"My dear, it's just food. Its alright." She looked up at him, their eyes locking. She slowly nodded and sat down at the table. As she ate, Cioccolata washed dishes.

"So my dear, if you dont mind me asking, why were you in that alley?" She stopped eating and looked down.

"M-my family." He stopped the dishes and sat next to her. Tears started rolling down her face, instantly making Cioccolata regret asking. He grabbed her hand and rubbed circles on her knuckles, trying to calm her.

"F-for years, t-they would hurt m-me. R-recently, they married me off to a r-rich man. B-but he only used me f-for his own pleasure. So I r-ran away. N-now I have no where to go." Cioccolata slowly brought her into a tight hug. Secco crawled in and laid his head on her lap in an effort to comfort her.

"Shhh, you dont have to say anymore." He gently ran his fingers through her hair, effectively calming her down. She layed her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

"You may stay here for as long as you wish, my dear." He pulled her closer and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"Thank you."

(It didnt turn out very good, I'm sorry ;-;)

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