~Cupcakes~ Narancia x Reader

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(My big brother is boredom baking, so it gave me an idea)

You hum your favorite song as you crack some eggs into the cupcake batter. As you mix the batter all together, you hear fast footsteps come from upstairs. You smile to yourself as you listen to the footsteps make their way to the stairs. You listen to the steps move down the stairs, but then get cut off with a loud thud.

"Oof." You poke your head out of the kitchen and smile. On the floor at the bottom step, laid your crush, Narancia. He rubs the back of his head and pouts. He looks over to you and quickly stands up. He runs up to you and jumps up and down.

"I thought I smelt dessert!" You smile and pat his head.

"Yup, I'm making cupcakes, want to help make the frosting?" He quickly nods his head up and down. You smile and walk back into the kitchen, getting ready to make frosting. Narancia goes over to the counter and looks at you.

"What do I do?"

"I need you to mix the powdered sugar and the milk together." He nods, determination on his face. You giggle as he starts vigorously mixing the frosting together. You stand behind him, watching to make sure he doesn't make a mistake.

"Hey (Y/N)-" He quickly turns around, bringing your faces close together. You watch as a blush spread across his cheeks. He quickly turns away and scratches the back of his neck.

"S-sorry. S-so when are the cupcakes going to be done?" You snap out of your trance and blush.

"Y-yeah, umm. They should be done in-" The time cut you off. You smile and go to get the cupcakes out of the oven.

"Nara, can you get a knife for the frosting?" He nods and runs to the drawer with silverware. You smile and place the cupcakes on the cooling rack. Narancia dips the knife in the frosting and start sloppily spreading it on the cupcakes. You giggle and grab his hands.

"Let me help you with that." You stand behind him and guide his hands. As you help him spread the frosting, you could feel the heat radiating off of his cheeks.

"There! They'll be ready to eat as soon as they cool." Narancia pouts and looks at the cupcakes. You giggle and hand him the bowl of leftover frosting.

"You can have the frosting, since you helped." He smiles and dips his hands into the bowl. He pulls out his frosting covered hand and began to lick his fingers, effectively getting frosting all over his face. You laugh and point at his face. He gives you a confused look, obviously unaware of the frosting on his cheek. You smile and kiss his cheek, making his whole face red. You pull away and lick your lips.

"You had frosting on your face." He blushes and looks down.

"So it wasnt real..." You gasp and pull his face in.

"Of course it was real." You kiss him once more, this time on the lips. He kisses back and wraps his arms around your neck. When you pulled away, you snuggled your face into the crook of his neck.

"Maybe we should bake more often."

(*Awkward cough*)

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