~Small One~ Diavolo x Reader

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(This was requested by the wonderful XxTsuki_ArtsxX)

Diavolo groaned as he walked through the alleyways of Rome. Keeping his identity hidden has become increasingly difficult for the man. He shakes his head and continues to his new hiding spot.

"W-wait!" Diavolo stops as his ankle gets grabbed. He looks down to see a small child, her hair all disheveled and her clothes not much better. He kicks away her small hands and continues on his way. As he turns the corner, he hears small whimpers. He quickly turns his head back to the child and frowns. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. He quickly makes his way back to the child. He bends down in front of her and places a hand on her head.

"Small one, why are you crying." He knew why she is crying, but he still asked anyways. The little girl lifted her head and stared at Diavolo with big (E/C) eyes. She gulped and wiped her eyes.

"M-my Momma and P-papa, t-they got rid of me." The barely squeaked out the sentence as she started shaking.

"M-momma said she needed the money f-for the bad sugar." Diavolo sighs and shakes his head. He pulls the small girl anto his chest and gently runs his fingers through her dirty (H/C) hair. He gently scooped her up into his arms and began walking back to his hideout.

'What the hell am I doing? Why am I helping this brat?' He thought to himself, but when he looked down at her eyes, he knew the answer. He ruffled her hair once more and sped up as he saw his hideout.

Once inside, he locked the door and placed the child down on the couch. She wrapped her arms around herself and began to shake. Diavolo crouched down in front of her and placed a hand on her head again.

"Dont worry, small one, I wont hurt you." She shakily nods and looks around the room. As Diavolo stood up, his hand gets grabbed by tiny hands.

"A-are you m-my new Papa?" Diavolo looked away from her, contemplating. He went to say 'No', but when he stared into her bright (E/C) eyes, he caved.

"Yes, and I will protect you, no matter what." She smiled and jumped into his arms. Diavolo couldnt help but laugh and place a gentle kiss on her nose.

"Now, what am I supposed to call you?" She nuzzled herself into his arms and closed her eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)." She whispered out as she fell asleep in his arms. Diavolo smiled and kissed her forehead. He stood up and walked to his bedroom, laying (Y/N) down on it and covering her up in blankets. Diavolo tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, smiling at his new daughter. He places one last kiss on (Y/N)'s head and walked back into the living room. He sat down on the couch and started to make a list of things he needs to take care of her.

"What did I get myself into?"

(It wasnt really an X Reader, and I'm sorry. It was trash and isn't even what you asked for. I'm sorry ;-;)

 I'm sorry ;-;)

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