Pt.2: Our Little Compettition

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Ever since Mondo and I's fight a few days ago, we haven't said anything to eachother. Breakfast has been awkward with the rule that I set for everyone to be there. We sit a seat apart, Makoto separating us. I can't even look him in the eyes anymore. I feel as the others have noticed we've been quiet, cause Fujisaki brought it up right then and there.
"Hey guys? Has anyone else noticed how quiet Taka and Owada have been in the past few days?" She asked everyone else, ignoring the fact we were both there. I tilted my head up from my lap, hearing the mentioning of my name.
"Yeah. They both seem to be ignoring eachother. I wonder why.." Asahina responded.
"Hmm.." Naegi turned his head, looking at me, then Owada. "Do you guys think they fought?" He asked the others, his finger almost up to his mouth. That caught both of our attentions.
"Whaaa? But they *always* fight, Naegi!" Yamada argued.
"That's not what I'm saying. Like, I'm talking a full on fist fight.." Naegi glanced at us again, with a concerned look.
"Taka a few nights ago.. after nighttime began.." Fujisaki mumbled, "After hearing loud yelling, I went to check out what was happening after being woken up. I saw him sprinting to his dorm, crying." Everyone became shocked except for a few, and slowly glanced at me. I stared for a second, then lowered my head again. "However, he didn't have any serious injuries, so I doubt they fought like that." She finished.
"That's good." Ogami stated, sighing.
"Yeah." Fujisaki turned to me again, smiling. I smiled back, but then looked down again.
"You guys think Owada lost his cool or something? I mean, he always does so if they did fight it's gotta be his fault!" Hagakure suggested. That.. made me want to say something. It was my fault that we fought.
"N-no.. t-that's-.." I attempted to speak, but Owada interrupted.
"Yeah you're right. I started it. He pissed me off, alright?" He said sighing. I immediately turned my attention to him. "This time I said something.. that made that fight worse than normal." I stood up, knocking my chair down.
"No! I started it!" I yelled.
"Oh boy.." Fujisaki sighed.
"Like hell it was! I started it, I tried to punch you too!" Owada snapped.
"Here.." Fujisaki went around the table, grabbed both of our wrists, and dragged us away. "Let's talk it out." The others just stared, then turned back to talking to eachother.
"Fujisaki! What the hell are you fuckin' doing?!" Owada tried to tug away, but basically turned off his strength for the delicate girl and couldn't get her hand off with the 1% he was using. I didn't even try, and let her take me. We were dragged down to her dorm, and went in.
"Now then.. apologize to eachother." Fujisaki smiled, but it looked kinda eerie in a way.
"But-" I started.
"Ah! I don't care who started it, apologize!" She squeezed our wrists tighter, using all her strength and digging her nails into our skin.
"Ow, ow, owwww!" I whined. "Fujisaki, stop ittt!"
"Not till you apologize." She seemed a bit more forceful than normal. "And we're closer now, so you can call me Chihiro, both of you." Chihiro smiled more softly than the last time she did.
"Well.. okay Fu-...Chihiro." I turned to Owada, and bowed formally. "I'm truly sorry, Owada. I apologize." Then, I sat back up and waited for a response.
"Yeah, yeah.. I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to trigger something in you that wanted to die or whatever." He sighed, scratching the back of his head.
"Owada your apology is a bit concerning but.. at least you apologized! You're free to go!" Chihiro let go of our wrists, and smiled happily.
"Call me Mondo." Owada sighed again, a slight smile forming on his face.
"Oh okay, Mondo!" She smiled brightly, and we took our leave. As the day past, we acted like our normal selves. Bickering back and forth for forever, complaining about eachother, etc. By now it was almost nighttime. Mondo and I were sitting around in the dining hall, with everyone else in their rooms. I glanced at him, thinking about what came to me before our fight.
"..What is it about him..?" I mumbled, thinking aloud.
"Eh? About who?" He turned to me, most likely hearing what I said.
"Hahhh?! Nothing! Nothing about nothing!" I jumped, looking to him. Awkwardly laughing, I noticed the heat randomly rose. Weird.
"So you were talking about yourself?" He smirked holding back a laugh.
"W-WHAT?! I AM NOT NOTHING!" I snapped.
"Yeah. You fuckin' are." He laughed. I immediately got up, ramped up again.
"Oh yeah?! Well you're a coward!" I insulted, catching his attention.
"How am I a coward, goody two shoes?!" He stood, walking up to me.
"Um.." I gulped. "You use a tough personality as a coverup! You're just a weak delinquent with no confidence!" Oh boy, was I gonna regret that.
"WHADDYA SAY?!" Owada roared, he came closer, close enough to look me dead in the eyes. "I WON'T HESITATE TO INSULT YOU AGAIN, PEICE OF SHIT!" I sweat nervously, looking into his pretty lavender eyes. Wait. Pretty? Haha.. did I say pretty? I don't think so. You heard nothing.
"OH YEAH?!" I snapped back. Suddenly, Naegi opened the door and came in.
"Ah! Naegi perfect timing!" Owada turned from me to a concerned Naegi. "He fuckin' said I had no balls!"
"Well he said I'm a nobody!" I also turned to Naegi.
"Uh.." He looked more concerned than earlier today.
"We're gonna solve this with a simple dual! And we need someone to watch!" Owada continued.
"So.. you're gonna fist fight?" A confused Naegi tilted his head.
"No way in hell, why would we do that?! We're gonna go to the sauna!" Owada started to head for the door.
"Oh! A simple endurance contest! I see!" I made my way to the door as well.
"Okay.. I'll watch I guess." Naegi shrugged, and followed us. We made our way to the bath and talked in there.
"We're keeping our clothes on!" Owada immediately said when we arrived.
"Whhhaaatt?! You're just asking for a death wish!" I cried, kinda wanting to quit but my instincts told me to stay.
"Well? Are you a real man or not?!" He snapped, and I flinched not expecting it.
".. I uh.." I sighed, and still took off my uniform. We both went into the sauna, immediately feeling the heat. We sat in there for who knows how long. I think.. an hour? That's what it seemed like. We argued back and forth saying things like "Are you gonna give up yet?" And "I will win!" or something. Suddenly, Naegi spoke.
"Hey uh.. nighttime has started. Can I go?" He asked us.
"Yeah, we got it from here!" I called back.
"Go ahead and go!" Owada yelled at him. Then, it went silent. I'm assuming he left.
"You should really take off your uniform!" I told him, for the 2nd time.
"No way! I'm not some piece of shit that gives up so easily!" He responded.
"Come on!" I whined.
"Fine." He took off his jacket, and folded it up, revealing his muscles. Then he took off his shirt.. which made the sauna feel hotter, somehow. He kept his pants on, though. Whatever, he somewhat listened. For another 30 minutes, we sat in silence. I got lost in thought, and didn't realize what I was starting to say.
"Staring at you for this long makes me realize how hot you are." I said. OUTLOUD. He turned to me, confused. I'm confused as well.
"Well.. no shit, we're both hot, it's a sauna." Luckily, I don't think he understood. Sometimes he can be kinda dull-witted. I sighed in relief. Sometimes I really confuse myself. I dunno why I said that. After that, we started to talk more, getting nicer and nicer to eachother by the minute. It was almost 12 by now. We've been in here for who knows how long. But I get to spend time with my Kyodai so it's worth it. We got a lot closer and nicer to eachother. As I said before, he's my Kyodai/Anki now. I dunno what I would do without him. Honestly, him and Chihiro are the only reasons I'm probably still alive. Is this what my gut feeling was telling me? I bet it was. Suddenly, I was snapped out of thought. The heat became too much.
"I-I-" I stuttered, feeling dizzy.
"Hm? What is it Taka?" Mondo glanced over at me. According to his face, I apparently don't look too good.
"Kyodai.. I-I think... I'm done.." I panted in between words. I got up with my towel, stumbling to the door.
"A-anki! You're gonna fall!" He got up, holding his shirt and jacket in his arms.
"I'm.. fine..." I slowly made my way towards the door, the heat burning my skin as I moved. Sluggishly, I pushed open the door, took one step out the sauna, and collapsed. Everything was hazy, but I didn't pass out.
"Taka omfg!" Mondo shouted, rushing over to me. He shook me like a madman, like I was passed out.
"I'm okay.. Kyodai.." I took my strength to smile at him.
"You clearly aren't, dumbass!" He yelled, putting his arms under me.
"Don't.. swear.." I weakly said, overheating.
"Don't worry about your damn rules now, worry about yourself." Kyodai picked me up, and held me close. He was warm, and not just cause of the sauna. I dunno, his arms were just the most comfortable place I've ever been. "I think you have a severe fever." He stated.
"Severe..?" I slowly tilted my head.
"Maybe." Mondo proceeded to walk to the door, still holding me. He picked up my clothes off the floor, and went into the changing room. "You need to put clothes on." He said laying me on a bench and his jacket over me. It had a comforting smell to it. "I'm gonna put on a shirt real quick." Kyodai sighed, pulling his shirt over his head. His pompadour came undone from quickly putting on the shirt but I don't think he cared. You know.. he looked really pretty with his hair down. He should leave it like that more often. "At least put on your tank top and boxers. You don't have to wear your entire uniform right now."
"O..kay.." I slowly grabbed my underwear and undershirt, sitting up. Slowly, I put them on. "Done.." I said, yawning.
"Good." He went over and picked me up again. He held me in one arm to tie his jacket around his waist, and then put me in a comfortable position again. I have no idea what I'm doing, honestly. Cold air hit me. We must've gone out the changing room. "I'll take you to your dorm. It's one of the first one's right? Across from Kirigiri's?"
"Yeah.." I gripped his shirt tightly, and curled up in his arms like some sort of child. Closing my eyes, I somewhat shoved my face into his chest. He was warm, but warmth isn't something I need now. He looked down at me and smiled. I just continued to be an absolute child.
"We're here, Taka. I need your key." Mondo attempted to grab my key out of a pocket on my uniform, but apparently didn't want to disturb me that much so gave up.
"I'll get it.." I slowly reached my hand down and got my key out of one of my many pockets, then gave it to Kyodai. He sighed, and opened the door.
"Here." He set me on my bed, tucking me in. "I'm gonna run to the warehouse to get you a fluffy damp towel and a thermometer, I'll be quick." After that, my Kyodai left. I really do feel overheated. As I thought more, I realized something. Could this weird feeling.. be telling me that I.. like him..? Can't be. I've felt this since I met him. That can't be it, when I catch feelings, it's slow burn. Huh..
"Back." I lazily looked over to the door. Mondo had a soaked soft towel in his hand, and brought it over to me. "This should help." He set it on my head. Then, I bit down on the thermometer. "103.. that's pretty bad. You're lucky I got that towel."
"Thanks Kyodai.." I mumbled.
"You're welcome." He smiled, and I smiled back. "Well.. I should go." Mondo stood, and started to head for the door. For some unknown reason, I used all my strength to lunge forward and grab his wrist. "Kiyotaka! You shouldn't leap forward like that!..Eh?" He noticed my expression. Apparently it was sad. Suddenly, I pulled him back on the bed.
"Stay." I bluntly said.
"Fine.." Kyodai lay next to me, smiling. "I'll stay here."
"..Yay.." I smiled, and pulled myself closer to him. Now I felt a bit cold. It's the fever thing which messes with your body heat kicking in. I felt sleep rush over me. It was now 12:30 am, the latest I've stayed up in awhile. Well what can I say? I gained a friend. And I know that he'll be the best friend ever.

Maybe even more than that..

This is wayyyy longer than the first chapter. Also I stan a passive aggressive Chihiro like look at my boy go-
Obviously this is the sauna competition. I made Taka get a fever and quit first cause I heard that Taka lost the competition and I was like, let's make this interesting..
Hopefully it was entertaining!
-An Angry Pomeranian

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