Pt.1: The Delinquent And The Goody Two Shoes

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~The day after Leon's execution~

I awoke to someone nearby kicking open their rooms door like a lunatic. Getting up, I realized I had fallen asleep in my uniform. Well.. what else is there possibly to wear? I opened my door only to find the troublemaker that woke me was none other than Owada. He then ran down the hall!
"Hey! Running is prohibited in school hallways!" I shouted at him.
"Oh really?!" He immediately turned to me and marched over. "What's a shorty like you gonna do about it?!" I flinched, hurt by his words. I barely know him, but for some reason it hurt like someone you love lashing out at you.
"F-first of all it is not welcome in a school environment to name call!" I stood up tall to look taller. "Second, I'm not that short!" He glared at me, which made me glare back. "Third, running in the halls is another unwelcome thing!" Man, I really don't like this guy, so why do I get this strange feeling around him?
"Ugh, whatever man." He growled like a dog and walked towards the cafeteria. I followed cause.. well I felt like it.
"You shouldn't kick doors!" I told him, trailing behind.
"Shut up!" He clenched his fists and walked faster.
"I won't until you tell me you'll listen!" I argued.
"Why should I listen?! Like this is a normal school with rules and shit, we're in some sort of killing game run by a Build-a-Bear reject! Who gives a damn about rules!" He turned around and looked me in the eyes. I flinched again, and looked down. "Why does this hurt so much?" For some reason every time he snapped it hurt. Physically and mentally. I slowly trailed behind him cause we're going to the same place, which didn't seem to bug him. When we got there, there were only a few others already there like Fujisaki. I sat a few seats away from Owada and kept glancing at him. Once everyone else got there we agreed to search the second floor. I was of course paired with the lunatic.. oh well. Just gotta try my hardest to ignore him. After looking around for a while, Togami started to anger Owada. I decided to protect Togami, and was thrown onto the floor by Owada. It really hurt, it did. Naegi tried to help me up but I just ignored him. After that, we all went back downstairs. Some went to their rooms and others went to hang out in the cafeteria again. Of course the delinquent had to go to the same place as me, and be the only other person to go too. What a pain..
"That Togami guy.. damn he pisses me off." He mumbled as he put his feet on the table. It immediately grabbed my attention.
"Excuse you!" I shouted, making him turn to me.
"Oh what now, goody two shoes?!" He gave me a death glare, making me nervous.
"Don't put your feet on the table!" My voice quaked. Surely, this guy is the type to murder someone. He'll give in I know it!
"I do what I want, dammit!" He got up and marched over to me, towering over me like I dunno, a scary guy?! I gulped, intimidated by his stance. He picked me up by my uniform collar and glared. "Don't you even think about bossing me around anymore you shitty teachers pet!"
"I'm not a teachers pet!" I snapped. "In fact, there's no teachers in this nightmare!" Trying to tug away, I kept eye contact to try and scare this guy that's 7 inches taller than me. "All we have is a mechanical bear principal!" I grabbed his wrist and tried to pry him away from my uniform, but quickly gave up.
"Who gives a damn?! Outside of this horrible place I bet you were just as goody two shoes as you were out there!" He made the same growling noise he did earlier, and pulled me closer to give me an even deadlier glare. "I doubt your friends were real, a nobody like you wouldn't have true friends!" I stared at him. I felt like crying. That hurt.
"..Put me down.." I mumbled, looking to the ground.
"Eh? Why should I?!" He glared, his sparkling lavender eyes looking cold and mean.
"..Please, put me down Owada..." I clenched my teeth, trying my hardest to not cry right in front of him.
"Being nice ain't gonna get you out of this!" He scowled.
"..I'm begging you.. I won't boss you around.." I made that one noise that people make when crying or about to cry. Some people might label it as annoying. "..Just please put me down.."
"Aww.. you about to cry?! Is the puny little tough guy gonna cry?!" Owada tightened his grip on my collar and proceeded to raise his fist like he was gonna punch me. No one else was here. I can't get any help. I'm all alone.
"...." I gripped his wrist of the hand that was holding my shirt collar, and looked down avoiding eye contact. "Go ahead.. punch me... kill me even, I don't care.."
"Eh?" He scoffed and put down his fist. A tear fell on his hand. "....." He went silent, and seemed to be pitying me. I looked into his eyes, tears streaming down my face.
"I SAID KILL ME!" I gripped his wrist tighter.
"..I-" He started to speak but do I care? No. I don't.
"NO! DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" I snapped. He clearly seemed surprised. "YOU WANNA *sniff* KNOW WHY I'M SO DAMN EAGER TO HAVE YOU SHUT UP?!" I swore. I never knew I could. Hopefully I won't swear anymore.
"..Ishimaru.." Owada mumbled.
"NO! SHUT UP!" I shook my head, raising my voice. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I WANT YOU TO KILL ME?!" I was getting way too worked up and exposing too much. No one knows how suicidal I am. Not even my father. "IT'S CAUSE I DIDN'T EVER HAVE FRIENDS! NOT EVEN FAKE ONES! I'M SO ALONE IN THIS WORLD!" I gripped his wrist even tighter. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIVING?! I DON'T HAVE ANYONE!"
"...Kiyotaka.. I.." Owada set me down after that and let go. I let go of him as well.
"Shut it..." I mumbled, running off.
"..Kiyotaka wait I-.." Silence. He must've given up on talking to me. God, this is too much. I ran to my room, passing Fujisaki. She must've heard me screaming. It looked like she tried to talk to me, but I was running fast enough to not hear her, not caring about running in the halls. I arrived at my room, and got ready for bed. This time I slept in just my tank top that was under my uniform and my boxers. I got in bed, turned off the lights, and proceeded to hug the pillow. That night, I cried myself to sleep. I couldn't believe what I had told Owada. The face he made when I snapped... it seemed filled with hurt and regret. It looked like the same pain I felt when he snapped, but worsened. I really hope that we can go back to normal. I doubt it but... I can at least have hope...


How was this for a first chapter? If it wasn't obvious already, Taka is very suicidal in this. It gets happier if you were looking for a bit of wholesome content, but only for a few chapters. Then uh—
It gets worse than it is now. Prepare yourselves..
-An Angry Pomeranian

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