Pt.4: Late Night Bonding Staring Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Mondo Owada

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The room fell into a cold silence. Kyodai's face was.. something. To be honest, I don't know what he's feeling. Disgust? Surprise? Happiness? Disappointment? It's hard to tell. His face was just.. plain emotional. Suddenly, the silence broke.
"...You do..?" His voice was faint, but I made out what he said.
"Yes! I do, and I think I have for awhile!" Shaking, I yelled out of nervousness. It's tough to keep my voice down when I'm under pressure. I stood up straight, tensing and waiting for him to lash out or something. Surely, he'll be disappointed with me. Way to go Kiyotaka, you might have gotten rid of your best and only friend. I closed my eyes, and waited. To my surprise, I heard..
"H-huh? What're y-you laughing a-at?!" I opened my eyes to look at him, and unexpectedly he was smiling.
"Your face is the same color as your eyes, Anki." Kyodai told me between giggles.
"W-w-what?! It i-is?!" I shouted, worried he was going to make fun of me. All of a sudden, he calmed himself, and headed for the door. He paused, and put a hand on my head.
"I'm surprised you haven't caught on by now."
"H-huh..?" I looked up at him to try and look into his eyes, but sadly his expression was left with closed eyes and a tiny smile.
"Heh.. you really can be oblivious sometimes, Taka.." He continued to mumble things that made absolutely no sense, still with a set expression. Sure, I have missed things before but.. what does that have to do with this?
"What does t-that mean..?" Confusedly, I watched him speak. Kyodai sighed, and ruffled my hair.
"Stupid Kiyotaka.. I like you too.."
Suddenly, I couldn't speak. Everything felt.. surreal. After being still for awhile, Kyodai walked out the door. Apparently I was so distracted that I forgot to block it. I immediately turned my attention to him, and grabbed his wrist.
"M-mondo wait!" He was looking at the ground blankly, facing away from me. What is this about? Shouldn't he be happy?
"Let go, Taka.." Kyodai muttered. Instead of doing what he asked, I tightened my grip.
"No! Not until you tell me..what's..wrong.." In that moment, I noticed he was.. crying.
"..I..said...l-let go.." He repeated, turning to face me.
"Kyodai.. y-you're.." I paused, thinking I was going to anger him. Then, surprisingly finished my sentence. "..crying.."
"N-n-no—" He desperately tried to wipe tears from his eyes. "..I-I'm not.." All of a sudden, I found myself embracing him.
"It's okay.. I-I don't know what I did to upset you but.. I know it's okay.." Comforting words.. that's what I had spoke. I'm inexperienced with comforting, but I did comfort Naegi a bit when Sayaka died.
"..Okay..Anki.." I felt a slight touch on my sides, and it hit me that he hugged back. I smiled, looking at him calming down. We stood there in the midst of the hallway, just.. hugging eachother. I swear I heard footsteps once.. hopefully it was just in my head. It was around 10:10 by now and nighttime had already started.
"Wanna go back into my room..?" I looked up at him, from my spot faceplanted in his chest. He looked down at me almost immediately.
"Sure." Then, he let go and entered my room. I followed, a thought popping into my head. 'Is he okay now..?' I asked myself, wanting answers. Also.. why did he burst into tears? D-did I say something wrong..?
"Hey.. Mondo why did you suddenly start crying.?"
"None of your business, Taka.." Mondo sat on the bed, and lay down exhausted.
"Come on.. tell meeeee!" I whined, leaning over him from the side of the bed.
"No." Kyodai turned on his side, and closed his eyes. I jumped on the bed and sat on his side to annoy him into telling me.
"Please! I need to knowwww!" I continued to bug him, and shook him.
"No..!" Mondo grabbed my pillow and put it over his head.
"...Pretty please?"
"Goddammit Taka, I won't tell you! So can you stop and go to bed?!" Kyodai uncovered his head just to glare at me and then covered it up again.
"But I wanna know!" I lay down setting my chin on his shoulder.
"..No. And don't expect me to give up!" He shouted, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Aww.." Suddenly, an idea hit me. What if I... no.. would he be fine with that..? Hm..
"Ugh.. and c-can you get off of me?" Mondo uncovered his face from the pillow and turned a bit to the side, making me go off balance. Also snapping me out of my um.. unwholesome thought process.
"O-oh! Sure K-kyodai!" I immediately rolled over to lay next to him. We both lay side by side, in silence. ".....So can you tell me now?" I persistently asked, after at most 10 seconds.
"No.. why do you wanna know so bad..?" Mondo sighed, clearly annoyed.
"I want to know what I did to upset you!" I yelled, rolling back onto him. Our faces were around an inch apart and his face began to flush a bright pink.
"O-okay.. I still w-won't tell you.." He stuttered, clearly nervous.
"Hehe.." I turned away and giggled a bit, before turning to look back at him, being closer than I was. His face was now a dark red. "Now look who's the color of my eyes, Kyodai!" I giggled more like a small mischievous child.
"T-taka! Are you trying to fluster me on purpose?!" Kyodai nervously asked, still being somewhat loud.
"So I was found out?" I smirked, giggled a little, and sat up so I was sitting directly on him.
"Heh.. I-I guess so.." He laughed a bit, then smiled.
"So.." I started, grabbing his attention. "..Can you tell me now?"
"No." Kyodai immediately responded with.
"Aww.." Suddenly, my idea popped right back into my head. 'Y'know.. I could do that..' I silently told myself. Kyodai sighed, clearly annoyed.
"What now.?" He asked, leaning back to relax. I put my hands on the bed suddenly, and was basically pinning him. (A/N: Is it sad that I purposely made this the same positioning as it was with Kokichi and Shuichi-?)
"I dunno." I bluntly answered.
"H-hey now.. why're you g-getting closer..?" He was stuttering a lot, averting eye contact. "If ya d-don't know then what's with t-this.. situation.."
"Well I.." I hesitated, thinking about how to word my thought process. "I got an idea." That.. isn't what I had in mind for a sense of wording but I'll go with it.
"What is it..? Should I be concerned for your sense of 'unwholesome-ness' now, Taka?" I kinda laughed at that statement, but he's wrong. I know what not to do.. I think.
"Haha.. no." I smiled, still pinning him.
"Then what is it..?" He confusedly gazed into my eyes.
"I-I just thought.." I hesitated once more, having to word my thoughts. "..Maybe I could y'know.. fluster you i-into telling me your secret.." I smiled a little bit, not knowing if that was the correct way to word it. This has to get me answers, I won't push further then what I'm contemplating on doing.
"W-w-what?!" As expected, he was set aback. "How e-exactly do you plan to—" Suddenly, I let that one thought in the back of my head.. control me. I didn't realize what I was doing, until around 30 seconds later. Apparently, I had kissed him. Immediately, I pulled back.
"I-I guess that's what I m-meant.." I mumbled laughing a little.
"A-ah.. it k-kinda worked.." Kyodai nervously smiled, his voice shaking a bit. "I'll t-tell you now.." He said, propping himself up in an upright position.
"Um.." Before I could finish my response, a familiar voice that neither of us had echoed across the room. We both turned our heads towards the doorframe, only to find...

..Naegi, standing there.

"ACK!" I sat up, startled.
"H-how long has your ass been here?!" Mondo snapped, clearly nervous.
"Too long.." Naegi mumbled.
"How'd you get in?!" Kyodai continued.
"Oh uh.. the door was unlocked." Naegi laughed a bit, but it sounded weak.
"Wait! W-what time is it?!" I abruptly asked.
"Around 1." He responded. 'We've been in here for that long?' I asked myself. Yeah, I guess we had. But—
"What're you doing here right now, Naegi?"
Yeah, that. What's Naegi doing in my doorway this late?
"I came to get Taka. It's one less dorm to go to if you're both here though." Naegi looked to the ground, a worried expression plastered across his face.
"What?!" I turned to look directly at Naegi, trembling at possibilities. "Did something happen?!"
"Well.." Naegi looked up to make eye contact. "It's Fujisaki. We think.. something happened to her." I froze for a split second, then looked down to see Mondo's eyes narrow. My thoughts raced.
Chihiro.. Chihiro.. Chihiro.. Chihiro..


Yes Ik this is is a brutal cliffhanger, get over it. That's what you get for maybe enjoying or just casually reading an..*ahem*..DARK AUTHOR OF DESTRUCTION'S STORY FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL-
Not funny? Okay..
Also to explain the cliffhanger a bit better.. something doesn't necessarily mean Chihiro was murdered. They may think that but I mean.. Mondo isn't currently holding a dumbbell so—
Like it used to say in the description, I'm bending the storyline a bit for a better fic, so that doesn't just mean wholesomeness and sadness..
It could also mean something crazy..
I also know this is shorter than normal.. oh well.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed, use your imagination to think of what could've possibly happened to our precious cinnamon roll, and have a nice whatever it is for you!
(Btw I'm changing what I sign off as cause I'm a big Fuyuhiko kin even though I'm an even bigger Hajime kin I just gotta do this—)
-Baby Gangsta

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