Pt. 18: Sakura Petals

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I stopped in my tracks, trying to process what I just walked in on.
"What are you talking about? I thought we decided that I didn't do it." I gave off a nervous sweat.
"Oh no no no.. I know your secret, you murderer!" Syo laughed. "Nice scar by the way~!"
"What secret..?!" I flinched at the scissors flying by my face as she got closer.
"You killed Ogamis precious Hina! What did you think I meant, you ran in the hallways once?!" She yelled, laughing more violently.
"W-what are you talking about?! Haha.." I laughed nervously. She got awfully close, her scissors constantly flying by my face.
"Stop lying. It's annoying as hell. I saw it, stupid murderer!" Syo pricked my nose with her scissors. I bled a little bit.
"First of all, that's utter baloney coming from you." I snapped, losing my patience a little bit.
"Ouch. But you didn't deny being the murderer of both Hina and master!" She giggled.
"I'm not a murderer, stop ly-"

"Enough." Ogami interrupted. "Syo was there. She saw it."
"Huh..?" I felt uneasy. How would she know that?
"She was doing her normal stalking.. but then she noticed something was wrong. Why would you.. why would you kill her, Ishimaru..?" Her voice was monotone, like her heart had been shattered into millions of pieces. "Why would you.. lie about what happened..?"
"Syo.. what did you tell her?!" I grabbed Syos wrist holding the scissors and halted her movement.
"Calm down, Tick Tock, I just had Monokuma show her the video footage of you *shooting* her beloved." She batted her eyes and tried to look innocent.
"Did.. did this footage have audio?" I asked, questioningly.
"Nope!" She evilly laughed.

I had sighed, and then called for Monokuma. I asked him to show the footage unmuted. He laughed and whispered something along the lines of "anything for the traitor~", and showed Ogami the footage. She watched as I pointed the weapon intending to kill Byakuya, Hina jumping in the way, and me immediately falling apart after realizing I had killed one of my only friends.

"She.. she really was selfless after all..." Ogamis voice trailed off. " you didn't intend to kill her... but still."
I flinched at the sudden change in her voice.
"Why.. would you ever think of doing that?" Uh oh. I desperately tried to think of a way out of the situation I'd just created. The only way... seems to be to tell her I'm the traitor. So.. I have no other option, do I?

I looked at Monokuma for the ok, he nodded and lead Syo out of the room. I took a heavy breath, then told her everything. If there's anyone I could trust with this information, it's her or Makoto.
I told her about how I became the new traitor, and the deal. I told her about Monokumas reasoning and why he wanted me to kill. I told her everything.
"Ishimaru.. so... *you* replaced me..? I thought Monokuma suddenly telling me I was off the hook was odd." Ogami followed up with.
"..Yes. At least I got you out of that situation.." I laughed a little.
"Hm. Now.. don't tell me you're going to kill someone else?" She questioned, shocking me. "Monokuma always has something evil up his sleeve. Who knows if he's going to ask you to kill someone again."
"No! I could never.. I already broke my promise to Kyodai by letting those two die. I will not fail him again!" I shouted a little too loud.
"Quiet. Someone could hear you. Don't you think that sounds suspicious?"
"Right.. sorry. I shall be more quiet." I saluted her.
"No need to apologize." She sighed. "Anyway, I'm going to go eat a.. donut. See you later, Ishimaru." Ogami gave me a slight smile, and walked away. "And.. I'll be keeping my eye on you. Don't let us down."
"..okay." I silently responded. She then turned her back, leaving me alone in the cafeteria.

I sat an thought for a moment. He let me tell the old traitor about my secrets scott-free.. but if I tell someone like Hiro or Makoto we all die. I feel like this information can be useful somehow. Maybe.. if I can trick Monokuma into thinking I told them.. I can throw him off guard and attack him to force the mastermind to come out of hiding? Wait.. that's actually..

"That's it!"

That's exactly what I'll do! I'll trick Monokuma into thinking I told them to throw him off guard! Then the mastermind will have no choice but to show themselves! Good thinking, Kiyotaka!

But.. how do I do that? Ah what the heck, I need to get going as soon as possible. I ran to go get Makoto, whom was still sitting in the nurses office waiting for me.
"Taka..? What was the thing before about?" He asked quietly.
"I can't explain that right now. In fact, I need your help again." I explained. "I promise, I'll tell you later." I grabbed his wrist, dragging him to center stage, the middle of our living quarters. "I'll be right back with Hiro!" He nodded, and I sprinted to Hiros dorm. Sure enough, he opened the door.
"Eh? What is it Taka?" He seemed super out of it, but that's okay.
"What it is is something important, now come on, I need your help!" I ran off, Hiro following me. Yanking out a notepad I always carry around in my pocket just in case, I told them about the plan. Not *all* of it though..

The notepad read:
"I'm going to trick Monokuma into thinking I told you guys top secret information. That's going to trigger him, and put him into some sort of killer mode. What I need you two to do is pretend to be shocked. And.. don't die."

I glanced to them both. Makoto nodded, seeming to agree with my plan. Hiro seemed a bit confused but that's okay.

I then wrote:
"Thumbs up if you're ready. Sorry it's so last minute."

They both put their thumbs up. I think my little plan may just work. It's a little risky, but that's okay. It's time to continue on with my trend of trying to break out of this place by overthrowing Monokuma.
I took a breath, then threw my plan into action.

Hello hello! Sorry about my huge absence, a lot of stuff has happened in the past few months. There was one week that.. really took a toll on my mental health and will to do anything. I couldn't even do things that made me happy. All I could do was cry and sleep. Then I was super busy with family, and then with my TikTok.. yeah. Hopefully this chapter isn't too bad, it's just a bit of filler for the upcoming action packed one. I met my goal of 1000 words though so that's cool. Well, I'm going to bed. Hopefully this cliffhanger isn't too bad :)

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