Pt. 15: Welcome to the End

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I set foot in the elevator. Everything was tense. Togami was in a corner by himself, with the exception of Makoto. Everyone thinks it's him.
We took our positions at the trial grounds and.. started the battle between hope and despair.

"I'm just gonna start this off strong." Makoto left his podium, walking over to Togami. "Byakuya.. did you do it? Did you kill someone you knew was my friend..?" Togami looked shocked to see his significant other asking if he had killed Aoi.
" I didn't." That was all he said.
"But Taka said!" Hiro butted in. "He said you were originally trying to kill him, but Aoi jumped in!"
"I did no such thing! That utter fool tricked you!" Togami pointed to me.
"...huh?" Makoto looked to me. "Did he now..?"
"I wouldn't claim such absurd things." Kirigiri stated. "We all know he'd never do such a thing. He's the Ultimate Moral compass."
"I'm not claiming! I was a witness!" Togami seemed like he was getting worked up really quickly.
"So.. according to you.. Taka lied..?" A tear dripped down Makotos face. Poor thing. That one statement however, led to everyone drawing their attention to me.
"The moral compass lied?! I refuse to believe it!" Yamada blurted.
"That can't be right." Celeste looked to the ground.
"Ishimaru.. is this true?" Kirigiri turned to me.
"...." I couldn't think of a response without giving myself away.
"Did you hear me?" She asked.
"He witnessed a murder! You shouldn't interrogate him like that!" Hiro shouted.
"Oh.. right." Sighing, she looked away.

"Well.. suspects behind.. let's bring the crime scene into view."
"I can't help here. Sorry I never left my room." Ogami was staring at the ground.
"Eh.. it's okay, we know this is tough for you." Celeste gave a genuine smile.
"I can help!" Hiro seemed excited to finally be helpful. Yikes.. was that too mean of me to think? "The gun is supposedly one that Taka dropped, but-"
"Exactly! It was his, how could I have known where that was?!" Togami interrupted.
"-he dropped it in the library." Hiro finished. "You go to the library often, don't ya Togami?"
"Hey.. you may be onto something here, Hagakure." Kirigiri mumbled.
"Thank you! Just showing off my smarts, y'know?" He laughed.
"Gh.." Togami was looking around the room.
"Anyway.. that shows that Togami could've picked it up, right?" Several people agreed. "Then, it was found exactly where we discovered him standing at the crime scene."
"You're smarter than I thought." Celeste laughed.

"Hm... now let me ask you something, Togami." Sakura spoke up. "How exactly could Ishimaru have done it if he was knocked out?"
"He was knocked out by that dirty scum." Togami pointed to Fukawa.
"Huh?" I looked at her.
"I-I didn't do anything! But.. you a-all should trust m-master!" Fukawa muttered.
"That does seem plausible.. but I don't really trust that." Kirigiri responded.
This was starting to make me sick. I doubt Monokuma will let them all live if we get it wrong. I need to change this outcome somehow.

"Ehm.. well we do seem fairly split down the middle, now do we?" Celeste mentioned.
"Yeah!" Yamada agreed. "We should do a show of hands, just to see!"
"Good idea." Kirigiri looked to the crowd. "Alright, we'll do an anonymous vote. Monokuma will count for us."
"Huh? What?" Monokuma was apparently asleep. "You need my help for an anonymous vote?"
"That's what she just said, yes." Celeste grumbled.
"Alrighty! Now close your eyes!" I did exactly that. The darkness was unsettling, knowing where we are. "Whoever thinks Togami is the blackened, raise your hand!" There was a pause, then Monokuma continued. "Okay now put 'em down. Whoever thinks our good ol' moral compass is the blackened, now raise *your* hands!"
Well.. no one will know anyways. I carefully rose my hand high in the air. There was yet another pause. "Ooh! Okie doki, you can put your hands down and open your eyes!"
We all opened our eyes, anticipating the majority vote.
"We got five votes for Togami," I looked at Makoto, who was now crying. "three votes for Ishimaru, and one.. who didn't vote." A few people looked at Makoto. On the inside, we all know it was him.
"Well. It was expected." Kyoko sighed. "We can't make him chose between a close friend and his romantic interest so soon." Shes right. In all honesty, this is probably the worst situation for Makoto to be in.

"Upupupupupu..~" Monokuma broke my train of thought. "Well whaddya know! One of our possible culprits.. voted for themselves!" Well fiddlesticks. Course Monokuma had to go and blow my cover.
"That was not me. Only a fool would think to do that." Togami glared in my direction. Kyoko looked at me.
"Ishimaru.. did you..?"
"..yes." I sighed. Here goes nothing. Time to come clean. "That all was a lie. Monokuma used me to try and kill Togami, but I failed and accidentally shot Aoi. I'm so so sorry. I've failed as the Ultimate Moral Compass."
"..what..?" Makoto perked up.
"Dude.. it's okay. You don't have to protect that bastard." Hiro said, missing my point.
"He's right. You really don't have to do that." Kirigiri spoke. "Unless.. you're telling the truth?"
"Ugh! All this is too confusing!" Yamada yelled. "If I had to choose between the dastardly prick whom everyone despises, besides Naegi, and the annoyingly loud teachers pet, I'm choosin' to vote for the prick!"
"..thank you for your remark, Yamada." I sighed.

"Tch." Togami grumbled. "Fine, vote for me. I don't care about any of you anyways."
".." Makoto looked up at him.
"Makoto however.." Togami sighed, turning to him. "..I do care about. And.. if we vote for me, he'll die." He glared at everyone in the surrounding area. "So I take it back. Ishimaru is correct. He did it."

Makoto looked to me. I could see in his eyes... he knew exactly who he was voting for. Glancing at my surrounding classmates, no one else looked convinced. Not even our genius of solving these cases, Kirigiri. What have I done..
"Huh. It seems Naegi has made up his mind!" Monokuma spoke. "Why I'll be, thanks for making that a short trial, witnesses Togami and Ishimaru!" No. Please, please don't end it now. I need more time. More time to convince them. More time to make sure my best friend doesn't die. More time to make sure I get everyone else out of here safely.. for Kyodais sake.
"Well..~ looks like it's time to cast our votes!" He giggled. That stupid, stupid bear. Hopefully I had done enough convincing to get them to vote correctly..

We did our normal voting procedure. I prayed that they'd voted for me. The screen behind Monokuma lit up.
Four votes for me.. and five for Togami. God dangit.. well Kyodai, looks like I couldn't keep anyone safe after all.
I felt tears stream down my face. Sniffling, I mumbled to myself, clenching my eyes shut.
"I'm so sorry, Kyodai.. I'm a failu—"

"Correct~! The blackened is.. Byakuya Togami!"

Huh? Hold on..

I feel so bad for not uploading for such a long time- I couldn't keep my promise of updating that week I said I would because the night I was gonna do so I was grounded before I could. Fyi, when I finish this story, I'll probably take a little break from Wattpad (Not like I didn't accidentally do that already). Controlling two social medias at once is really overwhelming for me. It results in me just not uploading on either. I *am* determined to finish this story, so I won't give up on it. The year mark is I think somewhere in late July? The 15th? Whatever, I'm gonna try and get it done before then. I'll take a break from my other social to complete it. Sorry for the long wait, and thank you to whom has been patient with me and my procrastination!

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