Pt. 9: A Little Lie

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TW: Mentioning of self harm and suicide is included in this chapter

I mean.. a lie couldn't hurt.. right?

"Excuse me, Monokuma?" I interrupted everyone's current debate. Everyone turned to me.
"Yeeeessssss~?" He answered.
"Am I allowed to use the restroom during the trial?" I asked him.
"Er.. I never thought about that.." The bear put his paw(?) up to his head and thought. "Sure, go ahead! Maybe you can even mess with the crimeeee scene~!"

Good. This is good. With this, I can put my plan in motion.

"Ah, thank you!" I answered, and headed to the elevator. I opened it's doors, and stepped in.

Oh right. There's another thing I need here.

"Ah, wait, Kyodai?" I stepped out of the elevator once again.
"What?" He turned to me from across the room.
"I'm kind of cold. Can I take your jacket?" This is part of my plan as well. Just wait..
"Oh, sure. I have high chill intolerance so it won't bug me." Kyodai took his jacket off, and walked it to me.
"Thanks!" I put it on so it wouldn't look suspicious, and got in the elevator. As it rose, I thought about my plan.

Let's see..

But before I could, the elevator came to a halt. Snapping out of thought, I got off and headed for the crime scene. If I can mess with that to point the evidence at me, then I can save Kyodai.

"First things first.." I took Kyodai's jacket off and rummaged through his pocket. His e~handbook must be in here.. ah hah. I grabbed the handbook and tried to turn it on.

It's broken.. so Naegi was correct. Then.. I have an idea.

I changed course to the sauna. When I got there, I got my e~handbook out and threw it into the sauna. If I can break my own handbook.. then I can lie about him also breaking my handbook, then telling me it broke.. or something.

I ran to the crime scene next. I don't have to worry about time because they surely won't vote without me, but I should probably hurry anyways. When I arrived, I approached Chihiro's body.

"I'm so sorry for this, my friend.."

I took blood from Chihiro's head and, with it still on my hands, ran to where I thought the best spot for a hidden message would be. I decided it will be under the table in the library.

In big letters, I wrote a note in my friend's blood.

"I am the blackened. I am so sorry, everyone. I have failed you all. -Kiyotaka Ishimaru."

That's all the preparation I needed to do. Oh right, need to go retrieve my e~handbook. I ran to the sauna, and grabbed my handbook off the floor. It won't turn on, so I think my plan is a go.

I washed my dirtied hand and ran back to the trial grounds. Everyone was still pointing the blame at Kyodai. Well, time to prove them wrong!

"Hey, Taka's back!" Hina pointed out.
"Hmph." Togami looked away.
"Oh, we can vote now right?" Hiro asked.
"No.." I spoke. "I.. I have something to say." I handed Kyodai his jacket back, and got in my position. His eyes widened. He may know what I'm up to..

"I have evidence proving you're all mislead!" I yelled, declaring a debate.
"Listen man.. I think you're just being dramatic.." Hiro said.
"Now now, he may have something important to say." Celeste stated.
"Exactly. He may have found some key evidence we skimmed over." Kirigiri added.
"So we were all wrong..?" Togami asked.
"I.. I guess..?" Naegi answered.
"But how? Owada is the only one who knew about the handbook's weakness—"

"I will prove you wrong!"

Everyone turned to me. They all seem intrigued, except for Kyodai. I guess that's a good thing.
"I knew it's weakness too." That line, started my plan. No going back now.
"..Huh.?" Kyodai looked confused. I glanced at him, smiled, then went back to lying.
"Kyodai was holding onto it, along with his own, when he found the weakness, so both our handbooks broke." I confidently said.
"Oh.. I guess that makes sense.." Naegi mumbled.

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