Pt.6: A New Motive Appears

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This chapter includes attempted suicide, sorry I didn't put a tw before ;-;

It's been 3 days. Today, it's scheduled for Mondo to get out of his 'hospital' room. I left mine two days ago. Apparently my wound wasn't as bad as we thought it was. It only took about a day to get it healed up. Well, kind of healed up. I still have a bandage on it.
I sat at the door to his temporary room at around 6 am. We were supposed to give him the okay to leave when the morning announcement went off, so I decided to be early. Suddenly..
"GYAHHH!" I jumped, hitting my head on the door. "What do you.."
That's when I realized it was Monokuma.
"What are you doing sitting here in the hallway like this, Mr. Teachers Pet?!"
"Don't call me that in this school." I sighed, trying to ignore the murderous bear.
"You're an easy target, you know! Someone could sneak up on you.. and cut ya open!" He laughed, making me glare at him.
"There's only about 40 minutes left of nighttime. I should be fine." I closed my eyes, trying harder to ignore him.
"That's still enough time to murderrrr~!"
"I doubt anyone will murder me, I mean come on we're all friends!" By now, his remarks were starting to get to me. I'm weak when it comes to not letting anything bother me.
"Then why don't you kill? Isn't there someone you hate so much for slicing open your beloved Kyodai?"
That sentence. That sentence might just be the harsh reality. No.. what am I thinking? I can't! I can't kill Chihiro!
"No! I don't hate her! I hate whoever did that to her!" I stood up, getting pretty worked up. "She's my friend! Why would I ever kill her?!"
"Upupupu~" Monokuma quietly laughed.
"W-whats so funny?!" I snapped.
"Don't you remember? You tried to kill her. Are you sure you don't want to still?"
"..." Silence. I have no comeback. I have no argument. Do I... still want to kill her..? No. No! NO!
"NO! Of course I don't! Why the heck would I kill a close friend! I was angry then, okay?! I didn't know what I was doing! Now just drop it, I won't kill her!" That's what I needed. A rebuttal.
"Are you sure you can trust those words? You're just telling yourself what you *want* to hear.. upupupu~"
"I-..." That manipulative little... little.. little s-shit! Do I want to kill her or do I not?! Goddammit that stupid bear is lying! I know what I'm doing!

No. No I don't.

I collapsed to the floor again from the shock coming from my sudden realization, slamming my body against the door. All I could do was tremble. By now, Monokuma had vanished. He *has* done his job. Stupid bear..

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I fell backwards to only turn around and look at the person standing there.
"Taka.. what are you doing on the floor 30 minutes before the morning announcement?" It was Mondo. He was wearing only his jacket as a top revealing the bandages wrapped around his waist. I can't respond to him though. I just can't, the pain of what I had just heard was too much. He knelt down, getting to my level. "You look like you saw something.." All of a sudden, I leapt forward and cried into his chest.
"A-a-am I r-really *hic* this h-h-heartless K-kyodai?!" I yelled without meaning.
"W-w-would I k-kill?! I- I- *hic* I DON'T WANT TO KILL!"
"Taka! Calm down okay?! We can talk about it. Just calm down.."
"I-I-I can't! W-what if I *hic* k-k-kill Chihiro?!" This was the most I had cried since I got here. It used to be normal.. you know.. with everything going on at home.. but now it was even worse then back then.
"Kill Chihiro?! What are you saying?!" Kyodai had a mix of horror and concern plastered across his face. Moments of me crying passed, until I finally calmed down.
"....I'll tell you." I explained everything to him. Including how I almost killed Chihiro. It was now 5 minutes till the morning announcement.
"Taka.. you couldn't help it... you would never actually kill."
That wasn't what I expected.
"Really..? I doubt it." I looked up into Mondo's eyes, them twinkling in the slight light.
"You do? I would think since it's.. 'not welcome in a school environment'.. you wouldn't do it. Even if it was allowed.. you would never do something like that." He gave a slight smile, my tired eyes showing the smallest tint of joy.
"That makes me feel a bit better.." I spoke those words without knowing if they were a truth or lie. Sure, I feel better *now*, but what about later?
"Good." He answered. We sat in the doorway till the announcement finally rang. Students slowly came out of their rooms, with Naegi being surprisingly first.
"Why're you two cuddled up in the middle of the floor?" He asked, startling Mondo.
"Ah- um- well—"
"Oh well.. I won't question after that one time. Let's go to the dining hall, it's about that time. Plus, Owada, you should be good to go now so we can all meet there." With that, Naegi left the room.
"Lets go, it's around that time." Kyodai nudged me so I stood, then he got up himself. He ran into his actual room and put a shirt on, then he ran back to me. Together, we went to the dining hall. One by one people got there, until everyone had arrived.
"Taka your eyes are swollen! Were you crying?" Hina has to be as observant as ever.
"Wait, were you?" Chihiro chimed in.
"No.. just allergies.." I mumbled.
"From the nonexistent outside? I don't think so." She smiled, and tried to look at me directly. I was turned away, arms crossed. "Come on.. what's up?"
"Nothing.. I'm telling you.." I paused to give them a fake smile. "I'm fine."
"Okay.. you're just quieter than normal." Hina pointed out.
"I'm just tired, don't worry." Then, the interaction ended. We had our normal meeting, then split up. Mostly I hung out with Kyodai, but Naegi did come around once and gave me a scarf that I am presently wearing. It looks pretty cool. I added it to my collection of things people have given me. For some reason, everyone gives eachother gifts a lot. I got a drill, a lunch box, some creepy kids toy that I reallyyyy don't like, a ring, and finally this scarf. It was now almost nighttime. Suddenly, an announcement went off.
"Please meet in the gym everyone! I have something very important to tell you~"
The monitor turned off, leaving me already exhausted.
"Why..." I got up off my bed and went to the gym. We all arrived, and Monokuma showed himself. I had spaced out, not wanting to be there. Until..
"Here's the next motive everybody~!"
Huh? Another motive? I should've expected this...
Monokuma threw slips of paper into the air, which landed all around us. I picked up the one with my name on it.
"All of these slips have your deepest darkest secrets in them! If there isn't a murder in the next few days, then they'll all be revealed for the world to see!" Monokuma announced. Suddenly, I felt stiff. My deepest darkest secret.. could it be about that one time I was late to class? No. About how I sometimes curse in my head? No. Maybe..

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