Pt. 17: Battle Scars

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Back to Takas POV

I awoke back in the nurses office. My head hurt like crazy. Looking around the room, I spotted Makoto in a chair next to me, asleep. Hiro was there too, also fast asleep at the desk in the far corner of the room. I felt the right side of my face. There was a bandage stuck to it, and it stung when touched. Glancing down, I noticed that I wasn't in my uniforms jacket anymore. I was in a sky blue hospital shirt. Lying back down, I started to think about what had happened.

Monokuma had.. defended me. I was safe. Togami however.. not so much. I would assume that he's gone now. Poor Makoto. I wonder what I'd missed, seeming that I blacked out mid trial. So many questions..-

"..Oh... hi Taka." I flinched at the sudden noise. It was Makoto.
"Hey Makoto.." I mumbled quietly. "I'm so so sorry about what had happened back there. That must be really hard.."
"Yeah. Well.. at least you're not the only one feeling this overwhelming pain anymore. Both Ogami and I... we now know." Through the darkness of the room I could see his sad smile and the flicker of gleaming tears.
"...yeah." The room fell into an awkward silence. Neither of us said anything after that. We were just kinda.. there.

"..huh?" We both looked over to see Hiro start to wake up. "Hey guys.. did y'all sleep well or what?" Makoto and I looked at each other and both shook our heads. "Understandable. Have a nice day." He then stiffly rose up and walked away. I somehow feel like he got his hands on a non-school appropriate substance. I'm not even gonna question that.

"Makoto?" I broke the reappearing silence between the two of us.
"..yes?" He responded in a slow tone.
"Do you have any idea where my scarf and uniform are?"
"Oh. Your uniform is hanging on the wall over there, it was washed. As for the scarf... it's ripped now." Makoto reached to the table, holding up my torn scarf. "So I'm giving you the one I have back."
"You don't have to do that." I sighed at the mentioning of the meaningless suggestion. "Keep it, I don't need a scarf to live." I shot a smile at him.
"Hm. Okay." He set back down the ripped scarf, causing silence to stir once again.

"Can you turn on the lights? I'm not able to fall back asleep." I asked.
"Sure. It's bad for our health to sleep in the middle of the day anyways." I had forgotten that that trial took place in the middle of the night. Everyone must be really tired. Makoto arose from the chair he was in and flicked on the lights.

"Hey grab that mirror for me too please." I laughed awkwardly. I feel like I may be asking too much of him. "So sorry for asking you to do this much."
"No.. it's okay. I'll get it." He didn't look at me when he responded. The little handheld mirror was lifted off the counter and into my hands. "Do you want me to remove the bandages too or-?" I could tell that that was what the hip kids call a 'sarcastic comment'.
"No no.. I'll get that by myself." I laughed. The purpose of the mirror was to see my face. I know that Togami got me pretty hard with that knife. Hesitant, I slowly pulled off the bandages.

I lifted up the mirror to reveal something.. shocking. The mirror fell from my grasp. What I had seen was...

 What I had seen was

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