Pt.3: Bros or more?

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I awoke with Mondo asleep by my side. It was about 6:50, a bit before nighttime is up. He looks kinda soft in his sleep, definitely not tough like his normal self. I sat up, and he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Ack!" I flinched, and stared at him. "..what're you doing, I was trying to go get ready.." I whispered, gently attempting to undo his grip. Sighing, I gave up. No use in trying more, he's way stronger then me. I should probably sit and think while I'm stuck here, and make a good use of my time. About how Mondo and I became best friends? Sure. So we were arguing at the beginning of our contest. That went on back and forth for who knows how long. After Naegi left, we proceeded to argue till suddenly we stopped to focus. I decided to make some small talk cause it was getting a little boring. I asked about his family, likings, regrets, etc. That started a new conversation. We talked and talked and eventually became best friends from the whole experience. It was pretty fun, even though I got a fever. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the dinging sounds of the morning announcement.
"Good morning everybody!" The annoying voice of our principal echoed over the room. "It is now 7 am, and nighttime is officially over! Get ready to greet another beeeaaauuuutifull day~!" The monitor turned off, and Mondo woke up.
"Hgprph-" He attempted to talk still faceplanted in my side but it wasn't really working.
"Hm?" I turned to him, trying to hint that I didn't understand. Then he tilted his head away from my side to speak.
"Morning Taka.. do you feel any better?" Mondo mumbled, quietly.
"Yeah!" I clenched my fists with determination. "In fact, I'm 100% sure that I'm all good!" Smiling, he took the thermometer and shoved it in my mouth. "Mph-" I tried to talk more but failed. Then, the thermometer beeped, and he took it.
"You have a slight fever still, but whatever you can still function." He got up and unraveled his arms from my waist. "Let's get ready." Walking off, he went to his dorm next door. I ran to the door, and heard a small conversation.
"Owada? What were you doing in Taka's dorm?" Hiro asked.
"Oh nothing, he just had a fever so I was helping him." Kyodai responded.
"That's... unlike you. And all night?" Hiro sounded really confused. I wonder why. What else could Mondo possibly be doing in my room all night? I think that the fever is a reasonable reason.
"...Yes." It took Kyodai some time to respond, but he finally did.
"Okay.. you don't sound so sure.." Hiro seemed like he was trying to anger Kyodai. I thought about jumping in to stop him but I'll leave myself out of it. "Did you-"
"S-shut it." Mondo sighed, and stopped talking. I'm assuming he went to get ready. What did Hiro think happened here? There's no other reason Mondo would be here all night. I sighed, and left the door to get ready. I put on my clean uniform and boots, then went out into the main area.
"Okay everyone!" I pointed forward after stepping out of my room. "To the dining hall! Hurry up!" Then, I walked to my destination, sitting down to wait for Mondo. I sat there carefully watching who entered the room. When Kyodai entered the room, I immediately spotted him and ran for him. "Kyyyooodddaaaiiii!" I jumped at him, and he dropped a few things to catch me. Everyone looked at us, confused. I got down and we sat. We started to make jokes to eachother and just talk a bunch. Naegi, the last to enter the room, looked startled by us getting along.
"Oh uh.. who won the sauna competition?" Naegi asked, hesitating.
"That's behind us! Who cares about the results?" Mondo responded.
"Oh- uh-" Naegi stuttered.
"All we have to say from that experience is no lady will understand the bond between two men!" I told him.
"But what about your rivalry—" Naegi tried to speak, but apparently Mondo won't let him.
"Ah! That never happened!" Kyodai interrupted.
"Yeah! I shall remove it from your memory! Forget-forget-forget beam!" I shot an imaginary laser beam at Naegi.
"Uhm.." He looked downright confused and concerned. I mean, I guess I couldn't blame him. We did go from rivals to best friends overnight.
"Let's save uh...that... for later concerns." Kirigiri caught Naegi's attention, making him go sit down. We did our normal serious morning discussion and ate for the next several tens of minutes. Eventually, a few people like Hifumi and Hina asked how we became friends. We told them, and they seemed to be shocked. Chihiro especially. She also seemed pretty proud. Probably because she wanted us to get along. Throughout our morning conversation, I kept glancing to look at Kyodai. I dunno why, I just felt like it. He's nice to look at. There's just something about him. Hiro looked at me and noticed that I was staring at him, so he stared at me. I glanced back at him, set aback by sudden eye contact. I got rid of my shocked expression, gulped, and... smiled. Just awkwardly smiled at him. I would imagine creepily as well..
"Hey.. Fujisaki.." I heard Hiro whisper to the small girl in front of him. He's really not that good at whispering, is he? Chihiro, apparently a really good whisperer, said something back that I'm assuming was a "What is it?" or "Yes?". Who knows, really. "I need to talk to you about something related to the two ya know.. concerning dudes over there.." The loud whisperer continued. Did he mean Mondo and I? Couldn't be, there's always a chance that he's talking about Naegi and Togami. Those two have been acting strange for awhile now and once I even saw Togami carry a passed out Naegi princess style to his room. Those two have to be who they're discussing. Got to be. Chihiro mumbled something back, nodded, and they.. walked off? Most likely to discuss the Ultimate Luck and Heir duo. I better not let it bug me too much. The others seemed just as confused as I was. I decided to pull my attention to Naegi and Togami for the time being to see what they were doing. Hm.. Naegi was about half asleep, and Togami was eyeing him. He turned to face Naegi, got closer, then... flicked him in the face. There's really some unsuspected moments coming up now. How many ...'s do I have to use here?! (A/N: Good job breaking the fourth wall, Ishi-)
"Ah! I'm up!" Naegi blurted, waking up once more.
"Good. Don't make me waste my time again, Makoto." Togami sighed, and got comfortable in his seat again.
"G-got it Byakuya.." Naegi stuttered, a slight smile along with a brush of pink on his cheeks appeared. Hm.. nothing's different with their reactions. If any pair of us were to talk, I'm sure it would turn out similar. The only difference is that they used eachother's first names. Well that's something that people do when they're close, right? I don't see what Hiro and Chihiro could be discussing about them.. but then again, the only other male duo here is Mondo and I, and I doubt they're talking about us. Soon, the two of them came back. They smiled and stood there for a second, then Chihiro sat by me while Hiro walked over to Mondo. I glanced at Chihiro, who just continued to smile.
"U-uhm.." I slightly tilted my head and questioned, "What is it.. Chihiro...?"
"Oh.. nothing." She mischievously responded.
"Are you su—"
"Hey Owadaaaa! My buddyyy!" I jumped, startled from the sudden interruption. It was Hiro who did that. I immediately turned my attention to him.
"What do you want, Hiro?!" Kyodai snapped.
"Ohhhh..." There was a sudden pause, until a smug smile appeared on his face. "Nottthhhiiinnggg." Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed Mondo's wrist and dragged him off.
"Hey! Whaddya think you're doing, punk?!" He tried to break free, but couldn't. "Hiro!" With that, Hiro dragged Kyodai out of the dining hall and into the main dorm area. After that, I heard a little laugh from Chihiro.
"..Huh? What's so funny?" I turned to her again.
"Hehe.. you'll see.." When she said that, I felt an unnerving feeling. And.. a yank on the uniform collar. I immediately fell off my chair, and felt myself being dragged around on the floor by my collar.
"W-w-what?! What is the meaning of this?!" I panicked, but didn't get an answer out of anyone. "Chihiro?!" I yelled for a bit, then gave up. No use if no one will help me. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. Then I felt a wall hit my head.
"Whoops! Sorry Taka!" Chihiro giggled, and continued to drag me.
"I-it's fine." I sighed, and uncrossed my arms to let them be dragged across the floor. "So Chihiro.. you're not planning on... murdering me.. right?"
"Of course not!" She smiled, then continued what she was doing.
"...Wait. Then are you planning on doing something... u-u-unwholesome to m—"
"Oh, gosh no! Why would I do something like that?!" She interrupted me before I finished speaking.
"That's good.." I looked up at her, from my place on the floor. "Then what are you doing..?"
"I'm gonna discuss something with you." Chihiro smirked, and dragged me into what I assume is either mine or her dorms. Then, she finally let go. I coughed a bit from basically being choked, but eventually caught my breath. Based on all the tech scattered around and lack of study notes, it was clear that we were in her dorm.
"So.. what's so important that you have to take me from the dining hall for?" I asked her, watching her sit on the bed.
"Come sit, and I'll ask a very important question!" She eerily smiled, nothing like a normal smile or even a smirk. It was just.. unnerving. I sat down, a tense feeling demolishing the room. Then, she opened her mouth and asked me...

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