1~Bluejays Falling

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Annie's breath caught at the sight of him.

Staring up into his soulful eyes, her jaw dropped, and she stood mesmerized. He was swoon-worthy. She probably looked as attractive as a dead fish, but she could not tear her gaze away. He was striking—tall, muscular, and tanned. Dark brown hair peeked from beneath a backwards baseball cap and grazed his chiseled jaw.

His hand reached for hers like something out of romance novel.

"You okay?"

The deep, velvety voice snapped Annie out of her daze. "What?" she croaked, voice cracking.

His brows drew together and he stepped back, studying her with obvious concern. "Are you sick?"

"Um, no." Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Nothing like having a hot guy look at you as if you were going to throw up on him.

"She's just excited to be here. It's her first boat ride. No worries," Annie's BFF, Rachel, answered giving Annie a little push. "Right Annie?"

Annie nodded, suddenly aware of the line of people behind her. She wanted to board the boat and jump overboard. "Right. Yeah, I'm good. Amazing. Sorry," she babbled. Apparently, she wasn't done making a fool of herself.

"Hey, it's ok." The corners of his eyes crinkled with a smile. "A lot of people get seasick. Let me know if you need anything." His voice was rich, like fine chocolate, and friendly.

"Thanks." She stepped onto the deck of the boat and Rachel followed.

"Yeah, thanks Tyler." Rachel giggled. "Wow! The deckhands are stupid hot!" she whispered to Annie once they were out of Tyler's earshot.

"Yeah," Annie agreed. Someone cranked up the music and passengers shouted their approval.

"Party boat!" shouted a college-aged guy with aviator glasses and tattoos. Cheers followed. A beautiful girl in a tube top moved to his side.

Turning back toward the line of those waiting to board, she saw some families switched boat lines, choosing the quieter ride with fewer teenagers. Glancing up to the top deck she saw Tanner reach into his backpack, withdraw a bottle, and pour something in Caleb and Dani's tumblers. They each took healthy swigs, laughing, and dancing.

Annie frowned. "Where'd they get the alcohol?"

Rachel followed her gaze. "Fake I.D.'s."

"Of course." Annie couldn't keep the disappointment from her voice.

"Hey, don't worry about them. Let's enjoy the ride."

Hearing the sympathy in Rachel's voice, Annie forced a smile. "Sorry, I don't mean to be cringy."

"No one thinks that," Rachel assured, her eyes warm. "It's only been a year since—" Rachel froze, her troubled gaze swinging to Annie.

"Since Tommy's accident." Annie swallowed hard, thinking of her brother. If only he hadn't been drinking... If only she hadn't been... Annie pushed the dark memories aside.

They were moving, easing away from the dock. A chill slipped down Annie's spine. Strange. She shook off the weird feeling.

A trio of dolphins jumped alongside the boat, and Rachel tried to take a picture with her phone. "Sailors consider dolphins a good omen."

Just then the theme song from Titanic echoed from the speakers. People laughed. Annie smiled, but she noticed Rachel's eyes widened. "What's up with that?"

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