16~Jesus Freaks

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Ty touched the side of Annie's face, his fingers spreading on her cheek and he looked deeply into her eyes. "You can't go with me. I want you to stay here." Ty's gentle reproach had Annie's face crumpling with sorrow. His own expression was every as tormented as hers.

Josh's chest was heavy and guilt burned his blood. This was wrong. He shot a quick look at Caleb and saw Caleb seemed troubled as well. Why should they feel bad? They didn't have a choice!

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.

He jerked, the words skipping through him and leaving him shaken. No one seemed to be paying him any attention. All eyes were on Annie and Ty. Josh knew the voice hadn't come from anyone on the beach. He didn't think it had come from anyone on earth.

Ty released Annie and turned to the group. "No hard feelings," he said with an easy smile, his tone sincere. "I forgive you. I'll leave first thing tomorrow." With that Ty lightly chucked Annie beneath the chin, then turned and walked away.

"Ty, please—" Annie whispered, turning after him.

"Let him go," Josh cut in when she started to protest. He clenched his fists at his sides to stop to stop the trembling.

Annie spun around, facing Josh, her eyes flashing with betrayal. "I thought you were on our side. You know this is wrong."

"I am on your side, Annie." Josh's gut clenched, and his silently begged her to understand. "I don't agree with banishing Ty, but separating isn't safe. We've go to look at the greater good."

She threw a pleading look to the others. "Caleb?"

Caleb's expression was pained. "I understand what Josh is saying."

"You don't really know Ty," Dani told her. "He could be the great guy he seems, but what if he's not?"

Rachel put her hand on Annie's back. "Ty is strong. He'll be ok."

"You don't understand," Annie shook her head sadly. "I know I just met Ty. This isn't about my personal feelings for him. Ty is a follower of Jesus. We are one in the body of Christ."

"What is she talking about?" Sarah asked, eyes wide.

Parker's gaze swung to Sarah's. "Sorry to break it to you, but you're stranded on an island with Jesus Freaks."

"Shut up," Josh growled, taking offense despite not being one of the Jesus Freaks.

"Any minute they're going to want to start praying," Missy agreed with a smirk. "You know I'm right, Josh." She gave him a sly wink.

Josh was quickly learning he didn't know anything. At least not about stuff that mattered. He stiffened. Did being a follower of Jesus matter? Nah, he was just hungry and probably dehydrated. That would explain the weird things he was hearing.

"We don't need to debate religion," Caleb cut in. "Some here believe. Some don't. That's fine." A couple steps brought him to Annie, and he put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm not letting Ty go off on his own."

A sigh of relief escaped Annie.

"What?" Josh was surprised. "I thought you understood what I was saying."

"I do. But I didn't get to finish. Kicking a man out when we have no proof he's done wrong isn't something I can live with." His gaze scanned the crowd. "We are safer together, but if you all insist on splitting up, I'm with Ty and Annie."

Caleb's gaze swung to Rachel. Josh was sure Caleb mouthed 'come with us' to her.

Josh hung his head, defeated.

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