18~Alive in Spirit

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"Didn't think you were into that sort of thing?" Missy's voice was just short of an accusation.

Josh thought about not answering, but he felt her watching him. "Facing death changes a man."

"You seriously hope God will save us."

"Don't you?"

Missy let out a derisive laugh. "I don't believe in God, and I didn't think you did either."

Josh didn't know what he believed, but he was reluctant to share too much with her. He understood Missy's doubt. How could a good god allow such suffering?

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

He turned sharply to Missy. "What did you say?"

Blinking, she shot him a puzzled look. "I don't believe in God—"

"No, not that. Just now. What did you say about Christ suffering?"

Missy stiffened. Now she looked at him like he was a few crayons short of a full box.

He was put to death in body but made alive in Spirit.

Josh stared at Missy, the hair standing at the back of his neck. "You didn't hear that, did you?"

"Um, no." She dragged out the words, watching him like he was insane. "You should drink some coconut water. Dehydration can make you crazy."

With a nod he walked away, needing to be alone. Thankfully, she didn't follow him.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Dani's honeyed voice stopped him. He turned as she placed her small hand on his bicep, her eyes flickering with concern. "Yeah, other than random episodes schizophrenia I'm good."

Her lips slightly parted, lifting in a smile that knocked the breath from him. "I love a man with a sense of humor."

"Too bad." He rubbed his jaw, trying to appear cool. "Your choices are limited on the island of horrors."

"Lucky for me I've got you."

She flashed him a brilliant smile and he stared. Was she flirting with him? First, he heard voices and now he thought the most popular girl in school was hitting on him.

Dani's expression fell. "Not that I have you. I didn't mean it like that."

He held back a sigh of disappointment. She obviously didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

"I meant you're a funny guy, Josh."

"Thanks." He kept walking, thinking she'd turn around and leave him be. Surprisingly, she fell into step beside him.

"Hey, don't worry. I sometimes hear things too." She seemed sympathetic. "Mostly, I think it's myself giving advice. Dani, don't do this or that, you know."

Josh looked at her, not sure why she seemed cheerful. He knew any shot he might have had with her was now long gone. Girls like Dani weren't interested in loners who heard voices. "So you heard me talking to Missy and wanted to investigate my level of craziness."

"Nope. I came to rescue you from her clutches." Her smile slipped a notch, but her eyes sparkled. "You did want to be rescued, right?"

He thought she sounded hopeful, but Josh decided not show all his cards. If she was simply being nice to him, he didn't want to make a fool of himself. "Missy is harmless."

"Oh." Her smile slipped a notch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I can find her for you."

"Don't bother. I think I scared her away. She's flirting with Caleb now."

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