17~Dear Father...

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"We're gonna die!" Parker screeched. He'd apparently left all bravery and fight back on the beach.

"We will if you don't stop whining and move!" Josh ordered as they trekked through the dense forest.

Caleb checked over his shoulder. "I don't think they're following."

"Keep going," Tanner urged. He was at the back of the line. "We can't stop here."

Ty glanced back. "You hear something?"

"Nah, just don't want to stop here. This forest gives me the heebie jeebies." Tanner shuddered.

"The hee-bee what?" Dani exclaimed, puzzled.

Rachel turned. "He means he's freaked out."

"It's so dark and I don't mean just from lack of light." Missy trembled. "I feel like someone is watching."

"Don't think about."

They didn't stop until they climbed the boulders and reached some hidden caves. From their lookout, they had a clean view of the beach.

"It's a different boat," Rachel pointed out. "The men look the same, from a distance. It's hard to be sure."

Ty stared out at the beach. "This is a catamaran. The men who dropped Sarah drove a bass boat."

"What if they were here to rescue us?" Missy asked, eyes hopeful.

"They're not." Ty's reply was swift and sure.

Dani sighed. "You'd think with all the visitors on the island someone would rescue us."

"Something about this is horror-movie weird."

"We can't stay here tonight. Our phones are dying. We won't have light." Rachel's head turned in the direction of a low haunting howl. She gulped. "I think I hear a bear."

Caleb patted her shoulder. "It's a wolf."

Sarah gasped. "Do werewolves eat people?"

"Only vampires," Josh said with a smile. "Sorry, guess you're not in a joking mood," he added taking in her mad-face. "Werewolves are fiction. Wolves rarely attack humans."

"It doesn't look like anyone is on the other side of the island. We could go there," Annie suggested, changing the subject.

"Maybe there's a reason no one is there."

Caleb looked grim. "It's not like we have other options."

Ty nodded. "Agreed."

"Do you think the men will follow us?" Tanner asked.

Ty, Caleb, and Josh shared a grim look. "No. I think they've got other plans tonight," Ty answered, his jaw tight.

Tanner exhaled a deep sigh. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Neither do I," Ty replied solemnly.


Rachel tore her gaze from Caleb and Missy. The two were cozied up on the beach, leaning against a palm tree. "If we get out off this island, I will never use the word bored again."

Annie couldn't agree more. "You mean storms, shipwrecks, mysterious bones, and kidnappers are too much excitement for you?" She laughed, because a sense of humor was necessary survival skill.

"You forgot being chased by weirdoes with guns," Dani reminded.

Rachel shook her head. "I definitely didn't forget."

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