14~Sarah's Story

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A hysterical girl screamed at Ty.

Caleb and Josh watched, neither seeming sure what do as the girl scooted against the headboard of the bed and sobbed, "Please don't hurt me!"

Ty seemed shaken.

"We're here to help," Josh told her, making an effort to sound calm. Inside he wasn't fairing much better than the girl.

She didn't seem to hear him. The girl looked a little younger than them—maybe fifteen or sixteen and wore shorts and a tank top. Her hair was blondish, long, and mascara streaks left dark trails down her face.

Ty's arms were raised in a non-threatening stance, and he slowly backed away from the girl. "We won't hurt you," Ty said quietly, slowly, as if he was afraid to make it worse. "We want to help."

"Please don't hurt me," the girl continued to repeat, a dazed look in her eyes. She didn't appear to hear them.

"Can you tell us what you're doing here?" Caleb tried, careful to keep his tone even so as to not agitate her further.

"Please..." She bowed her head.

Josh took slow steps toward the bed and the girl. "I'm Josh. This is Caleb and Ty. We thought you might need help. If you don't, tell us so we can leave."

Her chin lifted suddenly and her blue eyes met Josh's. He saw the fear and distrust in their depths.

"Are you good?" Josh pressed. "Do you want us to leave you here?"

"Don't leave me here," she whispered brokenly, finally seeming to understand what was happening.

"Okay," Josh said slowly. "What's your name?"

"L—" Suspicion fell over her features. "Why are you here?"

"We saw them bring you ashore in the bag." Josh's tone was low and soothing with a hint of apology. "I followed them here. I would have come last night, but I saw the camera, and it was getting dark. I'm sorry."

She studied Josh, seeming to weigh the truth of what he said. "You're not with them?"

"With who?"

"The people who kidnapped me." Her voice broke and she began to cry again. "I went to meet him. I don't remember anything else. I think I was drugged."

"We need to get out of here fast, before those guys show up."

The girl looked torn. "I don't know if I trust you." Her gaze swung to Ty. He seemed to be watching her as well.

"Fair enough," Josh said carefully. "But if you stay I doubt anyone else will show up to rescue you."

She pointed at Ty, not daring to look at him. "I recognize him. From the boat."

Ty looked troubled. "You and friends were on the Bluejay this week. I work there." His gaze flicked to the girl, waiting for her to confirm or deny what he said but she refused to look at him. Ty threw a helpless look at Caleb and Josh.

"How 'bout we save the chit chat until we're outta here," Caleb suggested.

Josh frowned at the girl. "Yeah, we need to move. You with us?"

Her lips pressed together, and she gave a tearful nod. "Guess I don't have a choice."


The girl's name was Sarah, and she was visibly distraught. She cried, folded her hands over her middle, and rocked. Slowly, bits and pieces of a story came out, but much was unclear.

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