20~Love with your actions

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"Stop trying to brainwash her!"

Parker's eyes glittered with fury. Annie was torn between feeling relieved it was just Parker and being afraid of his fury.

"We were talking." She tried to stay composed, so as not to upset him further. "I didn't mean any harm."

"She's t-telling the truth. I c-came to her," Sarah stammered, coming to Annie's defense.

Her heart pounded, and the pain in her arm intensified. "Parker—"

The next instant she was free! Ty shoved Parker away from Annie and placed himself between her and Parker.

"He assaulted me! You guys saw it!" Parker fumed, his face as red as a tomato.

Caleb stared straight ahead. "I didn't see a thing."

"Not a thing," Josh agreed, through a clenched jaw.

With a cry of outrage, Parker lunged for Ty, but Ty easily held his ground once again pushing Parker back. "I don't want trouble." Ty's voice was dangerously low and held a warning Annie had never heard before. "But you will never touch her again." He took a step toward Parker. "You understand?"

Parker had enough sense not to push Ty because his shoulders dropped and he rolled his eyes in disgust. Glaring at the others, he complained. "This guy is violent, and all of you are afraid to stand up to him!"

Dismissing Parker, Ty spun around and pulled Annie into his arms. "You okay?" he whispered in her hair.

"Yes." It felt good to be held, but it didn't last long. He stepped back and studied her, his gaze dropping to her arm. Annie saw the vein in his temple throb. "He hurt you."

Reaching up she touched his face like it was the most natural thing for her to do. "Ty, I'm alright. Really."

"I didn't hurt her!"

"Her arm is red!" Josh snapped. "If anyone is violent, it's you."

"She was harassing Sarah. Trying to convince her that Ty is innocent. I don't see how you people can be so blind and stupid."

Sarah cast a tentative look at Annie. "No, that's not true. Like I said we were just talking and he came out of nowhere and grabbed her."

Parker's fist clenched at his sides, sweat covered his brow, and his body quivered with emotion. "They've got to you!"

"Whoa, there. Simmer down, Parker." Tanner joined Ty, Josh, and Caleb, and they formed a wall against Parker.

Missy's expression was troubled as she watched Parker shake with anger. He continued to rant and everyone, stood watching, unsure not sure what to do.

Finally, Parker stalked off and Missy turned to them. Her expression was troubled. "Don't be too hard on him. He's sick. He needs water."

Josh snorted. "He needs to jump in the water and cool off."

"No, you don't understand. He's afraid of germs. Parker hasn't been drinking water from the spring."

Annie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ty looked startled. "What?"

Missy licked her lips nervously. "He drinks from the coconuts."

"That's not enough water to keep him hydrated."

"Obviously, not." Missy glanced down. "He's been complaining of headaches and dizziness, and he's been tired."

"Those are symptoms of dehydration."

"Is acting like a psycho a symptom?" Tanner joked.

Ty turned to Annie and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll check on him."

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