4~Prayer before 911

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Josh felt the sun on his face and threw his arm over his eyes. He was hot, tired, and thirsty. He was—on a lifeboat.

He woke quickly, sat up and stared off at the horizon, unable to believe what he was seeing. Blinking, he rubbed his eyes with his palms and looked again. "Land!"

"What?" Tanner groaned.

Caleb's eyes shot open. "You sure?" He got up to see for himself. "Yes!" Picking up the oars, he and Josh began to paddle mightily toward the shore.

Rachel and Dani woke up and hugged each other. Tanner asked how he could help, and Parker and Missy sat watching the scene in silence.

The island was much further away than it looked. Sweat poured from Josh and Caleb, but they kept paddling with all their strength. Their muscles ached and burned, but they relentlessly moved forward as if propelled by and invisible force.

"I can take a turn," Tanner offered.

"Sorry bro, Dani would do a better job than you today."

Tanner glanced up at Caleb, puzzled. "Pretty sure I'm stronger than a girl who doesn't weigh as much as my football gear." He winked at Dani. "No offense."

Dani rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Just concentrate on not throwing up, but if you can't help it aim at Parker."

"Hey!" Parker protested, glancing at Tanner warily. "Don't even think about it."

Rachel and Dani laughed.

Finally, they were in water shallow water. Josh and Caleb jumped out, whooping and hollering. Tanner joined them and the three of them tugged the lifeboat onto the beach.

"We're here, ladies!" Tanner hollered, helping the girls out of the lifeboat. "You need help too, Parker?"

Parker shoved his shoulder and fell out of the lifeboat and into the water. He came up spurting and complaining, but no one paid him any attention. Even Missy joined in the celebratory group hug while splashing in the surf.


Annie clutched coconuts to her chest, her stomach in knots as Ty shimmied down from the tree. He was lean but well muscled and moved like a trained athlete. With a swift, graceful jump he landed on his feet grinning.

She exhaled with relief, her shoulders relaxing.

One brow lifted. "Worried about me?"

"It's a tall tree."

"Not to brag, but his wasn't my first tree," he teased, his eyes glinting with humor.

Annie laughed, enjoying his boyish charm. "What other useful skills to you possess?"

He thought for a moment, his gaze holding hers. "I'm a decent fisherman." Bending, he picked up five coconuts. "I prefer a pole but the dental floss and paperclips in your backpack will do. I can start a fire, but it might take a while since I haven't done it in years."

"Wow." She was impressed. "You're a handy guy to be marooned with." Annie glanced away, hoping she didn't sound like the geek she was. She thought of what she could do. "I can cook the fish and help build shelter." Annie hoped they weren't going to be stranded long, but she wanted something to contribute.

Ty's expression changed. He tilted his head. "You hear that?"

She went still and listened. It almost sounded like cheering.

He spun around and she followed him back to the beach.

Her heart squeezed when she saw them, and tears filled her eyes. They were alive!

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