2~Do you believe in God?

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Ty's head jerked at the sound of the booming voice.

Releasing the lifeboat he'd just inflated, he glanced around. Passengers were huddled together, putting on lifejackets, and checking their phones. No one was paying attention to him. Who'd called his name?

His skin tingled. Moving quickly around the trawler, he found Annie and fear seized him. She was alone with no lifejacket, and she was standing too close to the railing. Ty ran.

He'd almost reached her when the boat nearly flipped on its side, and Annie was thrown overboard. A savage cry tore from him, as he watched the ocean swallow her up. Without thought, he grabbed the lifering and went after her.

"Annie!" He shouted her name again and again. The waves threw him around like a ragdoll, sucking him under, and spitting him out countless times and sapping his strength. Where was she?

Water slapped his face and he took in a mouthful of saltwater. Choking, he struggled to breathe but he was pulled under before he could catch his breath. This time the sea wasn't letting him go. His lungs ached and burned and felt like they might explode. He needed air. Just when he was sure he was going to die, the ocean released him.

"Jesus," he cried, clutching the lifering. "Help us." He had no family to miss him if he died. Well, not really. He wondered if Annie had people who would mourn her.

Another wave crashed over him. Coughing, he saw a flash of yellow. Maybe he was hallucinating. He blinked, looked again. There it was, Annie's yellow bucket hat. Ty swam with all his strength in that direction, his heart racing when he reached her lifeless form.

"Annie!" he shouted, flipping her over, and fighting to keep her head above water.

Trying to find a pulse was useless. His hands were shaking, and it was difficult to hold the lifering and her. Ty didn't know if she was alive, but he held her tightly as the sea threatened to tear them apart.

Ty prayed.


Annie struggled to open her eyes. They were heavy. Strange, because she felt oddly light. Like she was floating. The ties on her hat were too tight under her chin, but she didn't have the energy to loosen them. Lifting her head took all the effort she could muster.

The full moon shed its light on the water. Had circumstances been different, it would be a beautiful sight. The sea had calmed, leaving a still, peculiar peace in its wake.

Slowly, Annie remembered what happened and where she was. Someone's arms were wrapped around her, holding on to the bright orange donut. "Josh?" Her throat burned, and her voice sounded raspy.

"Ty. I work on the Bluejay," he explained, as if she wouldn't remember him. "Thank God, you're awake." He sounded relieved.

Annie inhaled a shaky breath. Her chest felt heavy. "I-I thought I'd drowned."

"So did I."

"How did you..." she breathed a mouthful of salt water and coughed. "find me?"

"I don't know."

She felt him move from behind her, shifting so she could see his face. He was beautiful beneath the glow of the moon. Like a handsome prince from a romantic movie.

"Did you fall off too?"

His amber gaze found hers. "I saw you go overboard. I went after you."

Annie's heart warmed. "You saved my life."

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