12~Jesus is the way

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Josh's return recharged the group, creating a jovial mood.

Once again there was laughter, kidding around, and light-hearted banter. As Josh's story unfolded, everyone sat listening to his spine-tingling encounter with the men.

"I think whoever it was is alive," Josh told them, wanting their input.

Ty and Caleb agreed with him. The girls thought he was right too. Parker and Tanner weren't too sure.

"Why wrap someone in a body bag if they're alive?" Parker asked.

"Yeah, it would make more sense to have them walk. Less trouble."

"I don't know. Yet. I'm going back to the cabin." Josh was adamant. "If it wasn't for the camera, I'd have gone in."

"The camera freaks me out," Rachel admitted. "Think about it. A cabin with a camera on an island in the middle of nowhere, and a body that might be alive."

"Super freaky," Dani seconded.

"How will you get rid of the camera?" Rachel asked, twisted a strand of hair between her fingers.

"Rocks. I'm a fairly good shot." Josh flashed a boyish grin.

Caleb smiled. "Count me in."

"I can make a slingshot," Ty offered.

"That would help."

Parker seemed unsure. "Won't whoever is watching know what happened to the camera?"

"Maybe not," Tanner said, joining the conversation. "If we're careful."

Caleb's expression was pensive. "They'll know once they see the shattered camera."

"They might think it was squirrels."

"Yeah, right, and a cruise ship might rescue us and send us straight to the Lido Deck for the buffet."

"Is it worth the risk?" Parker asked, looking doubtful.

Ty turned to Parker his gaze intent, as if willing him to understand. "If someone is alive in that cabin, then yes it's worth the risk. They need our help."

"What about our lives, Ty?" Missy beseeched dramatically. "If the bad men with guns come looking for us, we could die!"

Annie turned to Missy. "We don't have a choice. We can't just leave someone there that might need help."

"We could die," Parker snapped. "Don't look at me like I want kill anyone. I don't. But these guys have guns. We don't even have our freaking shoes!"

Silence fell over the group.

"I see his point," Tanner reluctantly agreed. "We can't fight these men. I want to help. I do, but it's too dangerous."

Dani looked troubled. "We won't stand a chance if they come after us."

Rachel and Missy seemed to agree with her.

"I understand your fear," Annie sympathized. "I'm afraid too. No one is suggesting we go looking for a fight." She paused, taking a deep breath. "How would you feel if a person died and we could have stopped it?"

"Please. Give me a break." Missy smirked.

"I love you Annie," Tanner said with brotherly affection. "But I don't want to be manipulated into getting killed."

Ty, Caleb, and Josh shared looks. "None of you have to go." Josh's gaze flickered with determination. "We'll take care of it—the three of us."

"C'mon," Tanner groaned. "Whether we go or not doesn't matter. Those guys will hunt us down with the rest of you."

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