28~Thanking God at the end

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Josh's arms tightened around Annie, and she hugged him back for all she was worth. Never again would she take him for granted. "I love you knucklehead," she said using the nickname she'd given him in kindergarten.

He didn't answer immediately and she figured maybe he hadn't heard her. The buzz of activity surrounded them—police and paramedics. They were finally found and rescued!

Pulling back, Annie glanced up at his face and a flicker of unease snaked through her. Even more strange was that Josh seemed to be avoiding her gaze. Instead, he looked to Caleb and Rachel who stood watching her with similar expressions to the one Josh wore.

They were going home, which was a good thing, so why would everyone look like someone had just died? Annie's heart sank. "Parker?"

"He's on his way to the hospital."

She sighed in relief, but darkness hovered around the edges of her peace. They would have told her if something terrible had happened to one of the others—unless... No. Annie refused to entertain even the possibility that it was Ty.

Of course she'd immediately noticed he was missing when they were released, but with all the activity she hadn't been concerned. Ty was a leader, their leader, and he was probably giving information to the police about what had happened. Eventually, they would be reunited.

"I need to find Ty."

Their expressions mirrored her fears, but Annie was trusting in Jesus.

"Annie." Josh's voice held a strange note that sent a chill of alarm down her spine.

No. Ty was just fine. She trusted in Jesus to take care of him.

Rachel left Caleb's side and stepped forward. "Annie, Ty—"

"No!" The sharp word stopped Rachel. Annie's heart cracked. She'd trusted in the Lord to keep Ty safe! "Ty's fine." Tears stung the backs of her eyes. Her heart raced and the world tilted. "No."

Rachel's eyes shined with unshed tears. "Annie, honey, I am so sorry Ty—"

A heartbroken cry tore from her soul, and Annie sobbed.


"You kids are lucky. Your guardian angel must have worked overtime," Agent O'Malley told them.

The five of them sat in the hospital waiting room—Caleb, Rachel, Josh, Dani, Tanner, and Missy.

"God." The word was barely audible but came straight from Rachel's heart.

"Excuse me?"

"It wasn't a guardian angel. It was God." Her voice was stronger, louder, and Agent O'Malley eyes widened.

The agent scratched his jaw, his gaze hooded. "I've never been a believer, but your story is a miracle. Might have me reconsider my faith."

Josh nodded. "We've all reconsidered a lot in the last few days."

"First the storm and then miraculously landing on the island where Captain Jones had a drug and human trafficking business going. Lives have been saved. Parents are reunited with their children. You kids are heroes." O'Malley tapped his pen to his notepad "Then there's the accident."

The five of them exchanged looks. Caleb's brow lifted. "Accident?"

"You haven't heard?" Agent O'Malley's eyes widened. "The van carrying your school group to dinner was involved in a collision. Luckily, you kids weren't there because you were on the Bluejay."

Missy and Rachel let out soft gasps, Tanner jaw dropped, and Caleb bowed his head.

"8:59 Tuesday, July 10." The color drained from Josh's face. "Our phones..."

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