19~Inspiring Rachel

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"You're avoiding me."

Rachel continued braiding her hair, which was in desperate need of a shampoo, and gave Caleb a casual look—at least she hoped it appeared casual. The last thing she wanted was to cause drama or have him thinking she had a raging crush on him, which she did but that was a secret she'd rather keep. "No. Why would I do that?"

Resting his elbows on his knees, he studied her. "I don't know. That's why I asked."

She blew a soft sigh, thinking he resembled an artist's sculpture. Twisting the last rubber band in her braid, she tried to think of something cool to say. Not a single thing came to mind. Rachel was stuck with the truth. "Okay, so I'm not avoiding you, but I am trying not to talk to you unless absolutely necessary."

His features twisted with confusion. "That's no different than avoiding me."

"It's totally different."

"Let's start over. Why are you avoiding me?" Caleb made the time-out sign with his hands when she started to protest. "My bad. Why are you trying not to talk to me unless absolutely necessary?"

"I didn't think you'd notice."

"I noticed."

"Why does it matter?"

"Rachel." He released a weary sigh. "C'mon, give me a break." His voice sounded like warm honey.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most riveting baritone—"


Her name was almost a growl, and from his expression she wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or toss her in the ocean.

"I didn't want to bother you and Missy."

Caleb looked confused. For a moment he seemed to be replaying what she said in his head. Finally, a light seemed to flicker inside him. "There is nothing going on between me and Missy."

Rachel inhaled deeply, trying to act like it didn't matter. "She seems to think otherwise."

"I don't really care what she thinks." His gaze pierced hers. "I haven't encouraged her."

"She was sitting in your lap earlier."

"I moved her." He grinned. "You don't have to be jealous, Rachel."

"Jealous!" she sputtered. "I am so not jealous! You can have whoever you want sit in your lap. It doesn't bother me at all." Rachel felt like a jealous, shrewish girlfriend. It was probably unattractive.

Watching her, he frowned. "Ok. Well, I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you."

"I'm not upset."

"You're beautiful when you're—not upset." He looked liked he was trying not to smile. Caleb was all irresistible charm and magnetism.

"I like Missy, but I am not interested in her." He reached out and his fingers grazed her cheek sending a shiver along her spine. "Do you believe me?"


"Are you going to stop avoiding, um, trying not to talk to me?"

"Maybe." She laughed at the look on his face. "Kidding. I'll follow you around and talk to you as much as possible."

"I'd like that."

His slow smile made her stomach dip. She'd like it a lot too, and she almost told him so but caught herself. "Is everything good between you and Parker?"

"As good as it can be, I guess." He rubbed his temples. "I tried to talk to him earlier. Not sure how it went. He didn't swing at me, guess there's that."

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