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Sarah's dramatic revelation took the group by storm and left Annie reeling.

Everyone talked at once, but it was Ty's deep voice that broke through the chatter.

"I'm sorry for your pain, Sarah." His steady gaze held hers. "I really am, but I did not hook up with your friend, and I did not agree to meet her."

"You flirted with her the entire boat ride!" Sarah accused. "She had your number!"

"I tried to warn you he was shady," Parker grumbled.

"Wait," Josh ordered, frowning. "If your friend disappeared after meeting Ty, why didn't you tell us this sooner?"

"Uh, excuse me. I've known you five hours max." Sarah's voice shook with emotion. "You knew I didn't like him."

"Where did your friend supposedly meet Ty? Or where did you meet before you disappeared?" Caleb asked calmly, his expression stoic. "You never did say."

"Here we go again with the interrogation." Parker threw his arms up. "Seriously, get a clue."

Missy put her hand on Caleb's chest, and Rachel frowned. "Ty fooled all of us, but whose side are you on Caleb?" Missy pouted.

"Don't speak for us," Josh corrected. "Ty denied meeting Kate. Caleb asked a legit question." He turned to Sarah. "Why won't you answer it?"

"We both met at The Lure! It's a bar! Happy now?" Sarah snapped, clearly flustered. "Kate and I used fake I.D.'s to get in. That's why I didn't call the cops."

"Your friend goes missing and you're worried about getting busted for a fake I.D." Josh's tone was flat.

Parker blew out a sigh of frustration. "Sheesh, you so-called Christians are sure judgmental."

"Never said I was a Christian, Parker-boy. I'm just searching for the truth," Josh fired back.

Annie trembled. Squeezing Ty's hand, she looked at him and prayed he could read the sympathy in her eyes. His lips curled at the corners offering a half-smile.

"Let's stay focused," Rachel cut in, turning to Sarah. "You said Kate met Ty at The Lure. Who did you meet?"

"I don't know. The text was from someone called Joe. He said he was partying with Kate and Ty and wanted me to join the fun."

Annie could hardly believe what she was hearing, and while she didn't want to pass judgment she couldn't believe Sarah would meet someone she had never met, especially after her friend went missing.

"Did you text Kate about the party?" Annie asked gently, feeling Ty give her hand a light squeeze.

Sarah nodded. "She didn't answer the text."

"Kate went missing after meeting a dude at The Lure, and you go meet some dude you've never met at The Lure." Tanner sounded doubtful, but Sarah's cry put him on defense. "Hey, I'm sorry, but that sounds crazy."

"It was stupid! I know that now," she admitted, looking distraught.

Ty's rough velvet voice pulled Sarah's attention to him. "We all make mistakes. No one is judging you."

Sarah stared into Ty's eyes for a long moment, letting what he said sink in.

"Maybe we should talk about your mistakes, Ty," Parker droned.

"Did you eat or drink anything with Joe?" Ty continued, ignoring Parker.

"I had a pina colada."

Caleb nodded, his gaze flicking to Ty. "It was probably drugged."

"I thought so too," Sarah admitted, frowning. "I just had one and then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in the cabin, and I felt sick."

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