23~Is kissing a sin?

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"I feel icky, and I smell." Dani plucked her dainty spaghetti-strap top from her damp skin and crinkled her nose.

Annie related. The three of them walked on the beach, trying to chill and take in all that had happened. Even the saltwater felt like heaven on her skin. It certainly scrubbed away some of the dirt. She was still a little scared about what would happen tomorrow, but she felt better.

Rachel tilted her head toward Dani and shot her a sly smile. "Didn't stop Josh from kissing you."

Examining the clear blue sky, Dani let out a soft groan. "He didn't kiss me. I kissed him."

"Details, Details. He didn't seem to mind."

"Really? I wasn't sure. It was unexpected. We were talking and BOOM! Kiss! That's not like weird?"

"Nope, not weird."

"I'm not even sure I'd call it a kiss, maybe a short brush of lips. I'd kiss my grandparents the same way."

Annie stifled laughter. "You mean it was a sweet kiss."

"I don't know. I've had the scene on replay, and I haven't spoken to him alone since it happened. I'm freaking out." Dani kicked the water. "Like one sec we're talking about Annie, and the next my lips on his."

Rachel's forehead crinkled. "You were talking about Annie before the kiss? Okay, that is weird."

"We were talking about their relationship." Dani's gaze swung to Annie. "You and Josh."

"I got that part." Annie inhaled a breath of salty air. "You know Josh and I are like brother and sister."

"I know." Dani's smile reached her eyes. "We all feel the chemistry between you and Ty. I'm not jealous. Josh and I were talking about—" She stopped, as if worried she shouldn't betray Josh's confidence and share too much. "We were just talking about, you know, stuff."

Annie respected how she kept Josh's privacy. So, Dani knew about the voices Josh was hearing. Interesting. Annie didn't push it and moved on. "Would you rather stay on the beach or explore the island?"

Dani pivoted, hands on hips. "I doubt the sexist men will give us a choice."

"They were joking." Annie shrugged. "Mostly."

"I was joking," Rachel said. "It's fun to rile Caleb. I love his honeyed drawl and slow smile when he thinks I'm being reckless."

"Guess you feel the same, Annie."

"Everyone has their strengths. Just so happens the men are physically stronger. The ladies are the brains of this operation." Annie grinned.

Rachel and Dani didn't hold back their laughter. "Can't argue with that."

Dani splashed in the surf and cast an inquisitive look their way. "Do the brains of this operation have tea to share about their men?"

"Parker seems better," Rachel said, deliberately misunderstanding the question. "He's not as feverish and he's sleeping better."

"I thought so too," Annie agreed. "His blister looks less angry, thanks to your outstanding nursing skills."

Rachel glanced away, like she didn't want to take credit. "Pretty sure it's the antibiotic cream."

"We're sure it is you girlfriend. You should be a doctor." When Rachel rolled her eyes Dani added, "Seriously, you were the one who discovered what was wrong with Parker."

Annie wanted to say God had used Rachel to help Parker, but she sensed she needed to tread carefully with them and not come off as preachy.

"I so wish I had tea to share," Rachel sighed, changing the subject. "Dani you're the only one who has kissed your man, unless..." Rachel wagged her eyebrows at Annie.

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