24~Just love

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"What's on your mind?"

Ty's voice, so close to her ear, sent a shiver along her spine. "Kissing." Annie grimaced; thankfully he could not see her expression. "I didn't mean—" A nervous laugh escaped her. She felt Ty's steady gaze and turned. It was foolish to talk about kissing when they could die tomorrow, but that was what was on her mind. "Is kissing a sin?"

She half expected him to laugh, but something flickered in his eyes, and his brow furrowed. One moment slid into another. "Sorry, it's crazy and I'm worried and scared and I need to pray, but my mind is racing."

"It's not crazy. It's a tough question. I think it depends on the reason for the kiss." He sank beside her in the sand, positioning himself so he could see her face. "If the kiss is only lust or it leads to sex before marriage, then it's probably a sin."

"That's sort of what I was think too." She sifted sand through her fingers. "Rachel and Dani and I were talking about it, you know girl stuff, and the topic came up. I told them I didn't know, but your answer is much better."

Something hot flashed in his eyes and they darkened.

Her breath caught, though she wasn't sure why. "What's on your mind, Ty?"

"Nothing I should say aloud."

"You're thinking of kissing. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"You know, Annie, most people think kissing and sex means a person has strong feelings for someone." A small gasp escaped her lips as his fingers brushed her cheek. "It's a lie. It's easy to give in to desire. It takes strength and love to put someone else's feeling above your own and wait."

She watched Ty's throat muscles work as he swallowed. His hand cupped her face and his thumb traced her bottom lip. Annie's senses were alive with how Ty made her feel. Suddenly, he removed his hand and leaned back.

Their gazes collided and held. "Just so you know, Annie." His voice was thick with desire.

"I do know, Ty. Thank you," she whispered, feeling like he'd touched her heart like no one had before. Ty let her see his desire and explained he cared more about her than satisfying his own physical need.

Ty cleared his throat. "Are you worried about tomorrow? If you'd rather stay here—"

"No, I want to go with you. I feel safe with you."

"I'll do everything I can to protect you. I promise."

"I know the risks, but we can't stay on this island forever." A hollow ache filled her belly. "You don't think we'll find help here, do you?"


His expression conveyed that he left much unsaid. "Please tell me."

Ty gripped the back of his neck. "This is all wrong. This island. No one coming for us. Sarah."


His jaw tightened, and he didn't meet her gaze. "No one kidnaps a young girl and leaves her alone in a cabin on a deserted island unless someone is coming back for her."

"Sex trafficking?" The words were a horrified, barely-audible whisper.

"The captain of the BlueJay was a fill-in. Jorge said he got a weird vibe from the guy. I can't say I liked him, but I thought Jorge was overreacting."

Annie swallowed a lump of dread. "You think the captain has something to do with this."

"He encouraged the families and older couples to take the other boat. That happened a lot when he was working."

Details clicked into place like puzzle pieces. "That's why they changed lines. I noticed and wondered."

"All the passengers on the BlueJay were young." He raked both hands through his hair.

A breath of fear softly blew on her skin making it tingle "He couldn't have brought on a storm."

His eyes cut to hers. "No. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe he wanted us to end up here." A harsh breath escaped him. "I don't mean to scare you, sorry. Tomorrow we'll hopefully find out more about this island."

That's what Annie was afraid of.

Ty's hand covered hers and they prayed.


They'd been walking for hours.

Rachel's feet ached, her back hurt, and it felt like a rock had taken up residence in her stomach. Inhaling a deep breath of damp forest air, she shivered. It smelled weird. She couldn't really describe it, but it gave her the creeps.

Ty stopped suddenly, his gaze scanning the area. "We took a wrong turn."

"You think?" Caleb drawled, leaning against a tree and wiping his brow. "That scent... is it blood?"


Annie's eyes closed. "Lord, help us."

Rachel nodded. "Amen."

They kept moving, acutely aware of the eerie silence. Where were all the animals? It was unnatural to be so quiet. Rachel was afraid they'd find another skeleton or worse a body. Each step brought a new dose of anxiety. She could tell Annie felt the same.

Caleb and Ty seemed stoic. She could not read them at all, and she figured that was how they wanted it. Occasionally, they'd share a look and from those, she knew their situation was grim.

Was God with them even now? Here, on this godless island? Rachel had never wanted to believe as much as she did now. She wanted to feel His presence, but she didn't. Maybe it was because she didn't believe with all her heart. Please God, help my unbelief.

Her heart pounded a steady beat. Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom.

"You hear that?"

Rachel blinked. Ty wasn't talking about her heartbeat. She listened closely. Was that music? They all froze, listening intently.




"Get down," Caleb ordered his arm around her shoulder protectively. The four of them hunkered down, out of sight, and went still.

"You hear something Sunny?"

Rachel's stomach dropped at the unfamiliar voice. Annie's wide eyes flew to Ty's. Seconds crawled by.

"Not sure. Jupiter's acting strange." A dog's low howl followed Sunny's statement.

"Probably a squirrel."

"Jupiter don't act like that for a squirrel."

A beat of silence followed.

"Sure you're not paranoid? Not many know about this place." The man let out a ruff cackle of laughter. "I even had trouble finding this island."

"Too many know. For enough cash, Jones will sing the directions to this private island like a canary courting its mate."

"Has the girl been found?"


"She's out there." Sinister laughter pierced the air. "Not like she can hide forever. We'll find her or her body. Don't matter which."

"Hope we find the traitorous fool who helped her escape."

"Jones said she acted alone." Suspicion clung to his words.

"He's either lying or an idiot. Maybe both."

"Maybe it's time to send the Captain to a watery grave and whoever else knows about this island. Too much is at stake."

A chilling laugh filled the air. "I was just thinking the same thing."

Rachel went cold.

With All Your Heart (Heart Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now