10~Seek the Lost

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"They saw us." Parker swallowed fearfully. Unlike yesterday he was staying hidden behind the boulders and trees without complaint.

Ty grimly watched the approaching boat. "No. Not unless they had binoculars." He sent a silent plea to God for Josh. Annie's head bowed, and he thought she was praying as well.

Two of the three men jumped from the boat. The third stayed in and handed a large bag to the others. They carried the bag ashore, their movements slow with effort. No one asked what was in the bag, and Ty figured they were all thinking the same thing.

Caleb confirmed it. "You think it's a body?"

Missy gasped, swaying into Ty. Reluctantly, he reached out and took hold of her shoulders.

"It looks like a body from the shape of it," Rachel whispered, staring at the scene like she would a horror movie.

"D-do you think it's dead?"

All eyes swung to Missy, but no one answered her.

Ty's senses seemed alive with energy as he watched the men carry the bag onto the beach. One of them hoisted the load onto his shoulder in a fireman hold, and Ty's hope that it wasn't a body sank.

"This is bad." Caleb's gravely voice acknowledged what they all were thinking.

"Another body!" Missy cried.

Annie patted Missy's back, trying to console her. "We don't know for sure."

"She's right," Rachel agreed. "We have enough problems. No use in worrying about what we can't do anything about."

Tanner's brows drew together. "What did she mean another body?"

Wincing, Caleb glanced at his friend apologetically. "We were going to tell you."

Parker snapped to attention. "There are bodies on this island!"

Ty opened his mouth to speak, but Tanner was faster. "I'm with Parker. This tea should have been shared ASAP."

"Sorry. We thought dying of thirst trumped tea, but whatever." Dani rolled her eyes.

"We found bones, not a body," Ty calmly explained.

"And that makes it better?"

"Less gruesome, for sure," Caleb shot back. "The point is we don't know what happened or even for sure the bones were human."

Ty watched the men, noting what direction they were heading. "They're taking it into the woods."

"We'll check it out later." Caleb's gaze narrowed, seeming to note the direction of the men as well.

"Oh, good," Parker quipped sarcastically. "Something to look forward to."

"Your entertainment is our top priority, Parker," Dani fired back, folding her arms over her stomach.

"Get down!" Ty ordered suddenly, and surprisingly no one questioned him. They ducked.

"What is it?" Rachel whispered.

"The dude on the boat has binoculars." Though he spoke quietly, he couldn't keep the concern completely from his voice. The others sensed his tension. It was probably rolling off him in waves.

Caleb frowned. "They see us?"

"Not sure." Ty eased up, cautiously trying to see what the guy was doing. He exhaled a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding. "He didn't see us."

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